The CRR hosts the 'Jeux Intercentres de paraplégie' (Paraglegic Intercentre Games).

Online since 27.09.2017
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Thursday 5th of October 2017, the Clinique romande de réadaptation (CRR) is pleased to host the 21st edition of the « Jeux Intercentres » of paraplegia.

Swap shop of « sporting » activities

This day, which is above all a fun and friendly event, is the perfect opportunity for patients and care providers alike to swap and share ideas via diverse  « sporting » activities.

When we talk about disability, we don't mean inactivity, on the contrary. This year, participants can test and work on their precision while playing boccia, work on their balance on the obstacle course, test their rhythm while dancing, test their dexterity while playing Kinball and work on their breathing in a vocals workshop. The athletic performance is of course secondary… the pleasure in participating, in making new acquaintances  and forgetting the day to day routine of rehabilitation are the main objectives.

A yearly rendez-vous

Rehab Basel, Uniklinik Balgrist in Zurich, the Centre Suisse des Paraplégiques in Nottwil and the CRR, 4 centres specialized in paraplegic rehabilitation take it in turns to organise this yearly meeting. As the only paraplegic rehabilitation centre in the French speaking part of Switzerland, the CRR is pleased to organise this meeting this year for the 4th time.

This day is the ideal opportunity to share and swap ideas between patients in wheel chairs and care providers and is above all a fun and friendly event.


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