An official event bringing together our customers and partners, the press and the local authorities took place on Friday the 20th of April at the Clinique romande de réadaptation, to celebrate the biggest social insurance in Switzerland's 100th birthday.
During one of the strongest industrial revolutions, the population adopted, in 1912, a law concerning illness and accident insurance. In that same year, the Confédération ordered the foundation of the Swiss National Insurance Fund to be used in case of accident which officially began its activities on the 1st of April 1918. That was 100 years ago.
This insurance – today called the Suva – adopted the social partnership model. Its objective: to proceed in introducing an obligatory accident insurance for a majority of manual labour workers, taking into consideration technical progress and the increase in the amount of risk these workers were taking. Over the years, the Suva has developped a model unique in Switzerland efficiently uniting insurance, rehabilitation and prevention. Today, this winning formulae is deeply anchored within the social insurance field. You can find all the information on
100 years later, the Suva in the Valais is :
The agency in Sion
- 60 members of staff
- 4 to 6 apprentices
- 5’600 companies insured
- 65’000 workers (estimation)
- 18’500 accidents treated every year
- 142 Mio of benefits paid every year (on average)
The clinique romande de réadaptation CRR (inaugurated in 1999)
- 405 members of staff
- 8 apprentices and over 160 trainees
- 1’347 patients hospitalized / yr (bed occupation of 95%)
- 7’390 out-patients /yr
60 Mio of turnover
Media coverage of the Suva in the Valais's 100th anniversary
Canal 9
Lien direct vers le site de Canal 9
Radio Chablais
Le Nouvelliste
Walliser Bote
100 ans en 10 dates
Retrouvez ci-dessous les 100 ans de la Suva en Valais en 10 dates-clés.