The rehabilitation of amputees is one of the Clinique romande de réadaptation (CRR)'s specialities. Canal 9 dedicated one of its health programmes « L’Antidote » to ths topic. A large part of this programme was produced in collaboration with the CRR.
In 90% of cases, arterial deficiency is the main cause for amputation. Illnesses which can provoke this are diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, smoking…. Trauma caused by motorbike or work accidents represent only 7% of amputations. No matter the cause of amputation, the CRR cares for all patients concerned.
The domain of amputation demands a very high level of specialized care. Thanks to its technical plateau and its inter-disciplinary therapeutic teams, the CRR can offer optimal care for amputees ; the final objective being; to allow those amputated to ind as much autonomy as possible. I the programe broadcasted on the 7th of December 2018, you can discover patients from the CRR, Mme Chantal Moulin and M. Arnaud Hardy talking about their experinces. Thanks to them for their availability.
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