On Friday the 22nd of March at 18h15, in the presence of the donators and the partners of the project, that Jean-Raphaël Kurmann lit up the « Phare de l’Espoir »(Light of Hope).
This kinetic scupture, created by the artist Pascal Bettex, was « given » to the Clinique romande de réadaptation (CRR) in order to keep a « sustainable » souvenir of the institution's past 20 years. Realized with the logistic and financial support of the CRR, but also thanks to participative funding, this impressive work of art now sits majestically in the cafeteria of the CRR.
With « Le Phare de l’Espoir », Pascal Bettex wishes to transmit the following message to the patients of the CRR who are all having to deal with their new situation: « The objects which turn here were given to me by disabled people who spent time here in the same place where you are now. They have all managed to rise above their disability and find a new sense to their lives. This work of art is, therefore, a message of hope and reassurance ».
For Jean-Raphaël Kurmann « An artistic intervention such as that of the « Phare de l’Espoir » can contribute to bringing a little joy into the patients' lives and presents the world of disabilities in a surprising manner. This unique project perfectly intergrates, in an original way, the 20th anniverssary of our Clinic ».
The Phare de l’Espoir, what is it ? A giant mobile of 4.40m in height weighing 740kg and which took 1480 hours of work by its creator. It is made up of objects illustrating the world of handicap and allows, therefore, a direct link to the universe of rehabilitation. In fact, this kinetic sculpture, made mainly out of metal, unites pieces recuperated from the world of sport and physical disabilities (protheses, elements from wheelchairs, crutches, snowboards, etc.), personal objects given by former patients of the Clinic, specially elaborated non-circular machanisms and lighting effects bringing a certain life and colour to the masterpiece.