The CRR offers the following services

Performance diagnostic

Performance diagnostics is the first step in planning an appropriate sports training programme whether it be in the domain of high level performance sports or simply for a healthy physical activity. Last cry technical equipment permits a complete and precise diagnostic in different domains such as endurance, strength or speed.

Sport to stay healthy

Regular exercise leads to both good physical and psychological health. This is why the staff from the Swiss Olympic Medical Center at the Clinique romande de réadaptation accompanies and guides you in your sporting activities.
Further information

Online training

You cannot do your favourite sport as you usually do? Our staff of experts proposes an innovative and practical way to train in an optimal manner at distance.
Further information

Sports medicine consultation

Our experience in sports medicine allows us to find an appropriate solution to each situation. Our main objectives target both prevention and the treatment of injuries to the musculoskeletal system as well as the establishment of rehabilitation programmes in order to help a return to sporting activities.

Sport psychology consultation

In addition to an appropriate physical preparation, the mental and psychological aspects are becoming more and more important in the life of athletes.In fact, during competitions, their performances are often influenced by these mental aspects. Topics like stress and emotions management, post-injury or poor performance confidence building, as well as mental coaching in preparation of important competitions can also be tackled.
See brochure (french)

Consultation en nutrition du sport

L’optimisation de votre alimentation et hydratation est votre alliée pour vos performances sportives. En effet, lorsqu’elle est bien choisie, elle offre de nombreux avantages aux sportifs comme l’amélioration de la récupération à la suite des entraînements et des compétitions, le maintien d’un poids corporel et d’un pourcentage de masse grasse adapté à la discipline ainsi qu’une réduction du risque de blessures et de maladies. Avec un suivi individuel et personnalisé, vous atteindrez vos objectifs en gardant du plaisir avec votre alimentation.

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