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10. Plomb-Holmes C, Luthi F, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Hilfiker R. | A Return-to-Work Prognostic Model for Orthopaedic Trauma Patients (WORRK) Updated for Use at 3, 12 and 24 Months. | Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 2017 27(4):568–575.
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14. Serino A, Askelrod M, Salomon R, Martuzzi R, Blefari ML, Canzoneri E, Rognini G, van der Zwaag W, Iakova M, Luthi F, Amoresano A, Kuiken T, Blanke O. | Upper limb cortical maps in amputees with targeted muscle and sensory reinnervation: a 7T fMRI study. | Brain 2017 140(11): 1993–3011.
15. Terrier P, Le Carré J, Connaissa ML, Léger B, Luthi F. | Monitoring of Gait Quality in Patients with Chronic Pain of Lower Limbs. | IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2017 25(10):1843–1852.
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