Please use public transport, as the use of your private car (free parking) is strictly forbidden during your stay.
If you are insured by Suva, we will reimburse the CFF (Swiss railway) ticket 2nd class (return journey including bus) when you arrive at the Clinic. If your stay lasts longer than 4 weeks, every 3 weeks the Suva pays your traveling expenses in order that you can spend a weekend at home. If your not insured by Suva, please ask your insurance about what is provided in this case.
Personal belongings
Listed below, are the essential personal belongings necessary for your stay.
- your usual medication :
please show them to the medical staff on your arrival
do not take any other medication than that prescribed by the doctors of the Clinic (these are supplied during your stay and during weekends away)
as the medical staff before taking any medication if you have any doubts
- accident report
- AVS card (national insurance)
- toiletries
- underwear
- casual clothes (comfortable)
- track suit (comfortable sports clothes)
- swimming costume
- sports shoes
- rain wear
- alarm clock
- dressing gown
- x-ray documents
- all medical care documents and reports
- your orphopaedic shoes or any other equipment.
Please note that cupboard space is limited and that you have acess to a washing machine and dryer (sales of washing powder and tokens at the cafeteria).