2021 - Publications
- Burrus C, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Stiefel F, Rivier G, Luthi F. | The self-assessment INTERMED predicts healthcare and social costs of orthopaedic trauma patients with persistent impairments. | Clin Rehabil. 2021 Jan;35(1):135-144. doi: 10.1177/0269215520949170. Epub 2020 Aug 27. PMID: 32851861; PMCID: PMC7814092.
- Buzzell A, Chamberlain JD, Eriks-Hoogland I, Jordan X, Schubert M, Zwahlen M, Brinkhof MWG. | Etiology-specific variation in survival following non-traumatic spinal cord injury: a causal inference approach using data from a population-based cohort. | Spinal Cord. 2021 Mar;59(3):257-265. doi: 10.1038/s41393-020-00554-9. Epub 2021 Mar 18. PMID: 32948845; PMCID: PMC7943420.
- Anderson CE, Birkhäuser V, Stalder SA, Bachmann LM, Curt A, Jordan X, Leitner L, Liechti MD, Mehnert U, Möhr S, Pannek J, Schubert M, van der Lely S, Kessler TM, Brinkhof MWG. | Optimizing clinical trial design using prospective cohort study data: a case study in neuro-urology. | Spinal Cord. 2021 Sep;59(9):1003-1012. doi: 10.1038/s41393-020-00588-z. Epub 2020 Nov 24. PMID: 33235299; PMCID: PMC7611589.
- Buzzell A, Camargos KC, Chamberlain JD, Eriks-Hoogland I, Hug K, Jordan X, Schubert M, Brinkhof MWG. | Self-reports of treatment for secondary health conditions: results from a longitudinal community survey in spinal cord injury. | Spinal Cord. 2021 Apr;59(4):389-397. doi: 10.1038/s41393-020-00596-z. Epub 2020 Dec 8. PMID: 33293608.
- Moor BK, Léger B, Steffen V, Troillet N, Emonet S, Gallusser N. | Subcutaneous tissue disinfection significantly reduces Cutibacterium acnes burden in primary open shoulder surgery. | J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2021 Jul;30(7):1537-1543. doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2020.11.018. Epub 2021 Jan 6. PMID: 33421560.
- Fekete C, Gurtner B, Kunz S, Gemperli A, Gmünder HP, Hund-Georgiadis M, Jordan X, Schubert M, Stoyanov J, Stucki G. | Inception cohort of the Swiss Spinal Cord Injury Cohort Study (SwiSCI): Design, participant characteristics, response rates and non-response. | J Rehabil Med. 2021 Feb 26;53(2):jrm00159. doi: 10.2340/16501977-2795. PMID: 33569608.
- Burrus C, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Luthi F. | Determination of Perceived Levels of Physical Work Demand Thresholds, and Reliability and Responsiveness of the Modified-Spinal Function Sort Questionnaire in a Multidisciplinary Occupational Rehabilitation Setting. | J Occup Rehabil. 2021 Dec;31(4):822-830. doi: 10.1007/s10926-021-09968-5. Epub 2021 Mar 24. PMID: 33761082.
- Benhissen Z, Konzelmann M, Vuistiner P, Leger B, Luthi F, Devilliers H, Hilfiker R, Benaim C. | Development and validation of a short version of the French Hand Function Sort questionnaire in vocational rehabilitation. | Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2021 Nov;64(6):101533. doi: 10.1016/j.rehab.2021.101533. Epub 2021 Jul 27. PMID: 33933688.
- Scheel-Sailer A, Selb M, Gmünder HP, Baumberger M, Curt A, Hund-Georgiadis M, Jordan X, Stucki G; Swiss SCI/D Rehabilitation Interest Group. | Towards the implementation of clinical quality management at the national level. Describing current types of rehabilitation services for Spinal Cord Injury/ Disorder in Switzerland using an interdisciplinary consensus process. | Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2021 May 18. doi: 10.23736/S1973-9087.21.06923-9. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34002976.
- Karatzios C, Luthi F, Muff G, Benaim C. | Complex regional pain syndrome of the residual limb in a transtibial lower-limb amputee: diagnosis and treatment. | BMJ Case Rep. 2021 Jul 23;14(7):e239650. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2020-239650. PMID: 34301691; PMCID: PMC8311298.
- Aubry-Rozier B, Schwitzguebel A, Valerio F, Tanniger J, Paquier C, Berna C, Hügle T, Benaim C. | Are patients with hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or hypermobility spectrum disorder so different ? | Rheumatol Int. 2021 Oct;41(10):1785-1794. doi: 10.1007/s00296-021-04968-3. Epub 2021 Aug 16. PMID: 34398260; PMCID: PMC8390400.
- Wetzel-Weaver A, Revaz S, Konzelmann M, Luthi F. | Going toe-to-toe with a rare case of a complex regional pain syndrome limited to the hallux. | BMJ Case Rep. 2021 Aug 25;14(8):e242781. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2021-242781. PMID: 34433527; PMCID: PMC8388269.
- Wetzel-Weaver A, Vuadens P. | La spasticité : de l’évaluation au traitement personnalisé [Spasticity : From assessment to personalized treatment]. | Rev Med Suisse. 2021 Sep 8;17(749):1528-1531. French. PMID: 34495589.
- Stenz L, Carré JL, Luthi F, Vuistiner P, Burrus C, Paoloni-Giacobino A, Léger B. | Genome-Wide Epigenomic Analyses in Patients With Nociceptive and Neuropathic Chronic Pain Subtypes Reveals Alterations in Methylation of Genes Involved in the Neuro-Musculoskeletal System. | J Pain. 2021 Sep 20:S1526-5900(21)00332-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2021.09.001. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34547430.
- Wetzel-Weaver A, Bertero G, Aleton E, Turlan JL. | Syndrome of the Trephined and Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity in a 17-year-old minimally conscious state patient: A Case Report. | Brain Inj. 2021 Sep 19;35(11):1480-1483. doi: 10.1080/02699052.2021.1972448. Epub 2021 Sep 29. PMID: 34586939.
- Benaim C, Wauquiez G, Pérennou D, Piscicelli C, Lucas-Pineau B, Bonnin-Koang HY, Vuadens P, Binquet C, Bourredjem A, Devilliers H. | Cognitive assessment scale for stroke patients (CASP): A multicentric validation study. | Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2021 Nov 17;65(3):101594. doi: 10.1016/j.rehab.2021.101594. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34687958.
- Philippossian R, Luthi F, Pichonnaz C. | Réadaptation préopératoire avant arthroplastie du membre inférieur : connaissances et perspectives [Preoperative rehabilitation before lower limb arthroplasty : Knowledge and perspectives]. | Rev Med Suisse. 2021 Dec 8;17(762):2147-2150. French. PMID: 34878744.
2020 - Publications
- Birkhäuser V, Liechti MD, Anderson CE, Bachmann LM, Baumann S, Baumberger M, Birder LA, Botter SM, Büeler S, Cruz CD, David G, Freund P, Friedl S, Gross O, Hund-Georgiadis M, Husmann K, Jordan X, Koschorke M, Leitner L, Luca E, Mehnert U, Möhr S, Mohammadzada F, Monastyrskaya K, Pfender N, Pohl D, Sadri H, Sartori AM, Schubert M, Sprengel K, Stalder SA, Stoyanov J, Stress C, Tatu A, Tawadros C, van der Lely S, Wöllner J, Zubler V, Curt A, Pannek J, Brinkhof MWG, Kessler TM. | TASCI-transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation in patients with acute spinal cord injury to prevent neurogenic detrusor overactivity: protocol for a nationwide, randomised, sham-controlled, double-blind clinical trial. | BMJ Open. 2020 Aug 13;10(8):e039164. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-039164.BMJ Open. 2020. PMID: 32792454
- Carda S, Vuadens P, Van Den Keybus K, Diserens K. | Spasticity management: an interprofessional evaluation. | Rev Med Suisse. 2020 May 6;16(692):904-906.Rev Med Suisse. 2020. PMID: 32374534 Review. French
- Diserens K, Vuadens P, Ghika J. | Syndrome douloureux régional complexe : rôle du système nerveux central et implications pour la prise en charge [Brain function in complex regional pain syndrome : implications for pain management]. | Rev Med Suisse. 2020;16(692):885-889
- Benchouk S, Buchard PA, Luthi F. | Complex regional pain syndrome and bone marrow oedema syndrome: family ties potentially closer than expected. | BMJ Case Rep. 2020 Aug 26;13(8):e234600. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2020-234600.BMJ Case Rep. 2020. PMID: 32847873
- Lannes X, Moerenhout K, Duong HP, Borens O, Steinmetz S. | Outcomes of combined hip procedure with dual mobility cup versus osteosynthesis for acetabular fractures in elderly patients: a retrospective observational cohort study of fifty one patients. | Int Orthop. 2020 Aug 9. doi: 10.1007/s00264-020-04757-w. Int Orthop. 2020. PMID: 32772320
Lire la publication - Burrus C, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Rivier G, Hilfiker R, Luthi F. | Task-Contingent Persistence is Related to Better Performance-Based Measures in Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. | Pain Res Manag. 2020 Jun 16;2020:1765456. doi: 10.1155/2020/1765456. eCollection 2020.Pain Res Manag. 2020. PMID: 32655723 Free PMC article
Lire la publication - Jonviea D Chamberlain,Inge E Eriks-Hoogland, Kerstin Hug, Jordan X, Martin Schubert, Martin W G Brinkhof. | Attrition from specialised rehabilitation associated with an elevated mortality risk: results from a vital status tracing study in Swiss spinal cord injured patients | http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9515-1076, BMJ 2020 Jul9;10(7):e035752. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035752
Lire la publication - Paoloni-Giacobino A, Luthi F, Stenz L, Le Carré J, Vuistiner P, Léger B. | Altered BDNF Methylation in Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain and High Biopsychosocial Complexity. | J Pain Res. 2020 Jun 2;13:1289-1296. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S251782. eCollection 2020.J Pain Res. 2020. PMID: 32581570
- Konzelmann M, Burrus C, Gable C, Luthi F, Paysant J. | Prospective multicentre validation study of a new standardised version of the 400-point hand assessment. | BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2020 May 20;21(1):313. doi: 10.1186/s12891-020-03303-4
Lire la publication - Eveline M. J. R. Brouwers, Henk van de Meent, Armin Curt, Doris D. Maier, Rainer F. Abel, Norbert Wr, Rüdiger Rupp, Jiri Kriz, Anton F. J. de Haan, John K. Kramer, Allard J. F. Hosman, Ronald H. M. A. Bartels & for the EMSCI participants and investigators. | Recovery after traumatic thoracic- and lumbar spinal cord injury: the neurological level of injury matters. | Spinal Cord 2020 Sep 58(9): 980-987 doi: 10.1038/s41393-020-0463-1
- Ronchi R, Bassolino M, Viceic D, Bellmann A, Vuadens P, Blanke O, Vallar G. | Disownership of body parts as revealed by a visual scale evaluation. | An observational study. Neuropsychologia. 2020;138:107337. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2020.107337
- Luthi F, Praz C, Léger B, Vouilloz A, Favre C, Loiret I, Paysant J, Martinet N, Lacraz A, S:uva D, Lambert J, Borens O, Karatzios C, Vuistiner P. | Cross-cultural adaptation and measurement properties of the French version of the Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experience Scales-Revised (TAPES-R). | PLoS One. 2020;15(2):e0229084. Published 2020 Feb 21. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0229084
- Abou-Khalil S,·Steinmetz S,·Mustaki L, Leger B, Thein E, Borens O. | Results of open reduction internal fixation versus percutaneous iliosacral screw fixation for unstable pelvic ring injuries: retrospective study of 36 patients. | European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology. (2020)
- Galvis Aparicio M, Carrard V, Morselli D, Post MWM, Peter C and the SwiSCI Study Group. | Profiles of Psychological Adaptation Outcomes at Discharge From Spinal Cord Injury Inpatient Rehabilitation. | Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2020. 101(3), 401-411.
- Buzzell B, Chamberlain JD, Schubert M, Mueller G for the SwiSCI Study Group. | Perceived sleep problems after spinal cord injury: Results from a community-based survey in Switzerland. | The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine. 2020. doi: 10.1080/10790268.2019.1710938
Lire la publication - Hodel J, Ehrmann C, Stucki G, Bickenbach JE, Prodinger B and the SwiSCI Study Group. | Examining the complexity of functioning in persons with spinal cord injury attending first rehabilitation in Switzerland using structural equation modelling. | Spinal Cord (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41393-020-0428-4
Lire la publication - Vouilloz A, Favre C, Luthi F, Loiret I, Paysant J, Martinet N, Lacraz A, Suva D, Lambert J, Borens O, Vuistiner P. | Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the ABIS questionnaire for French speaking amputees. | Disabil Rehabil. 2020 Mar 30278793
- Poncin E, Niquille B, Jobin G, Benaim C, Rochat E. | What Motivates Healthcare Professionals’ Referrals to Chaplains, and How to Help Them Formulate Referrals that Accurately Reflect Patients’ Spiritual Needs? | J Health Care Chaplain. 2020 Jan-Mar – 30896345
- Liechti MD, van der Lely S, Stalder SA, Anderson CE, Birkhäuser V, Bachmann LM, Brinkhof MWG, Curt A, Jordan X, Leitner L, Mehnert U, Möhr S, Pannek J, Schubert M, Kessler TM. | Update from TASCI, a Nationwide, Randomized, Sham-controlled, Double-blind Clinical Trial on Transcutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation in Patients with Acute Spinal Cord Injury to Prevent Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity | 31601539
- Raab AM, Brinkhof MWG, Berlowitz DJ, Postma K, Gobets D, Hirschfeld S, Hopman MTE, Huber B, Hund-Georgiadis M, Jordan X, Schubert M, Wildburger R, Mueller G. | Respiratory function and respiratory complications in spinal cord injury: protocol for a prospective, multicentre cohort study in high-income countries BMJ Open. | 2020 Nov 5 -33154049
- Buzzell A, Chamberlain JD, Eriks-Hoogland I, Jordan X, Schubert M, Zwahlen M, Brinkhof MWG. | Etiology-specific variation in survival following non-traumatic spinal cord injury: a causal inference approach using data from a population-based cohort. | Spinal Cord. 2020 Sep 18. doi: 10.1038/s41393-020-00554-9. Online ahead of print. -32948845
- Anderson CE, Birkhäuser V, Stalder SA, Bachmann LM, Curt A, Jordan X, Leitner L, Liechti MD, Mehnert U, Möhr S, Pannek J, Schubert M, van der Lely S, Kessler TM, Brinkhof MWG. | Optimizing clinical trial design using prospective cohort study data: a case study in neuro-urology. | Spinal Cord. 2020 Nov 24. doi: 10.1038/s41393-020-00588-z. Online ahead of print. 33235299
- Ronca E, Miller M, Brinkhof MWG; SwiSCI Study Group. | Poor adherence to influenza vaccination guidelines in spinal cord injury: results from a community-based survey in Switzerland. | Spinal Cord. 2020 Jan;58(1):18-24. doi: 10.1038/s41393-019-0333-x. Epub 2019 Aug 1. – 31371803
2020 - Présentations
- Duc M, Duong HP, Rapillard A, Quennoz G, Eggel Y, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Fournier PE. | Relation between body composition and maximum oxygen uptake in Swiss athletes. | Virtual Congrès du European College of Sport Science
- Reynard F, Quellet F, Eichenberger M, Vuistiner P, Leger B, Mühl A. | HOLSTER : an upper-limb support to improve gait symmetry. | virtual SOFMER
- M. Bachelard, P. Vuistiner, B. Léger, F. Luthi. | Is the pain phenotype more severe when comparing neuropathic and nociceptive pain components in patients with orthopaedic trauma? | virtual SOFMER
2019 - Publications
1. Anderson CE, Chamberlain JD, Jordan X, Kessler TM, Luca E, Möhr S, Pannek J, Schubert M, Brinkhof MWG; SwiSCI Study Group. | Bladder emptying method is the primary determinant of urinary tract infections in patients with spinal cord injury : results from a prospective rehabilitation cohort study. | BJU Int. 2019 Feb;123(2):342-352
2. Bassolino M, Bouzerda-Wahlen A, Moix V, Bellmann A, Herbelin B, Serino A, Blanke. | O You or me? Disentangling perspectival, perceptual, and integrative mechanisms in heterotopagnosia. | Cortex. 2019 Jun 15;120:212-222
3. Benaim C, Blaser S, Léger B, Vuistiner P, Luthi F. | Minimal clinically important difference estimates of 6 commonly-used performance tests in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain completing a work-related multidisciplinary rehabilitation program BMC. | Musculoskelet Disord. 2019 Jan 5;20(1):16
4. Benhissen Z, Benaim C. | Leg pain : differential diagnosis and treatment. | Rev Med Suisse. 2019 Jan 23;15(635):216-220. French
5. Benhissen Z, Konzelmann M, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Luthi F, Benaim C. | Determining the minimal clinically important difference of the hand function sort questionnaire in vocational rehabilitation. | Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2019 May;62(3):155-160
6. Bossuyt FM, Arnet U, Cools A, Rigot S, de Vries W, Eriks-Hoogland I, Boninger ML; SwiSCI Study Group. | Compensation strategies in response to fatiguing propulsion in wheelchair users: Implications for shoulder injury risk. | Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2019 Jul 15
7. Buchard PA. | Travail et lombalgie : y a-t-il une cible thérapeutique ? | Rev Med Suisse. 2019 Jan 30;15(636):272-273. French
8. Buzzell A, Chamberlain JD, Gmünder HP, Hug K, Jordan X, Schubert M, Brinkhof MWG; SwiSCI study group. | Survival after non-traumatic spinal cord injury: evidence from a population-based rehabilitation cohort in Switzerland Spinal Cord. | 2019 Apr;57(4):267-275
9. Chamberlain JD, Buzzell A, Gmünder HP, Hug K, Jordan X, Moser A, Schubert M, Zwahlen M, Brinkhof MWG; | SwiSCI cohort study and the Swiss National Cohort Excess burden of a chronic disabling condition: life lost due to traumatic spinal cord injury in a Swiss population-based cohort study. | Int J Public Health. 2019 Sep;64(7):1097-1105
10. Chamberlain JD, Buzzell A, Gmünder HP, Hug K, Jordan X, Moser A, Schubert M, Zwahlen M, Brinkhof MWG; the SwiSCI Study Group and the Swiss National Cohort. | Comparison of All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality of Persons with Traumatic Spinal Cord Injuries to the General Swiss Population: Results from a National Cohort Study Neuroepidemiology. | 2019;52(3-4):205-213
11. Coscia M, Wessel MJ, Chaudary U, Millán JDR, Micera S, Guggisberg A, Vuadens P, Donoghue J, Birbaumer N, Hummel FC. | Neurotechnology-aided interventions for upper limb motor rehabilitation in severe chronic stroke. | Brain. 2019 Aug 1;142(8):2182-2197
12. Dayer CF, Luthi F, Le Carré J, Vuistiner P, Terrier P, Benaim C, Giacobino JP, Léger B. | Differences in the miRNA signatures of chronic musculoskeletal pain patients from neuropathic or nociceptive origins. | PLoS One. 2019 Jul 5;14(7):e0219311 28
13. Estoppey J, Léger B, Vuistiner P, Sartori C, Kayser B. | Low- and High-Altitude Cortisol Awakening Responses Differ Between AMS-Prone and AMSResistantMountaineers. | High Alt Med Biol. 2019 Jul 19
14. Fekete C, Siegrist J, Post MWM, Brinkhof MWG; SwiSCI Study Group. | Productive activities, mental health and quality of life in disability: exploring the role enhancement and the role strain hypotheses. | BMC Psychol. 2019 Jan 8;7(1):1
15. Fekete C, Siegrist J, Post MWM, Tough H, Brinkhof MWG; SwiSCI Study Group. | Does engagement in productive activities affect mental health and well-being in older adults with a chronic physical disability? Observational evidence from a Swiss cohort study. | Aging Ment Health. 2019 Feb 21:1-8
16. Finger ME, Wicki-Roten V, Leger B, Escorpizo R. | Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Work Rehabilitation Questionnaire (WORQ) to French: A Valid and Reliable Instrument to Assess Work Functioning. | J Occup Rehabil. 2019 Jun;29(2):350-360
17. Gross-Hemmi MH, Post MWM, Bienert S, Chamberlain JD, Hug K, Jordan X, Scheel- Sailer A, Weiss A, Brinkhof MWG; SwiSCI Study Group. | Participation in People Living With Spinal Cord Injury in Switzerland: Degree and Associated Factors Arch Phys Med Rehabil. | 2019 Apr 24. pii: S0003-9993(19)30258-8
18. Karatzios C, Loiret I, Luthi F, Leger B, Le Carre J, Saubade M, Muff G, Benaim C. | Transcultural adaptation and validation of a French version of the Prosthetic Limb Users Survey of Mobility 12-item Short-Form (PLUS-M/FC-12) in active amputees. | Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2019 May;62(3):142-148
19. Luthi F, Buchard PA, Cardenas A, Favre C, Fédou M, Foli M, Savoy J, Turlan JL, Konzelmann M. | Complex regional pain syndrome. | Rev Med Suisse. 2019 Feb 27;15(640):495-502. French
20. Terrier P. | Complexity of human walking: the attractor complexity index is sensitive to gait synchronization with visual and auditory cues. | PeerJ. 2019; 7: e7417. Published online 2019 Aug 1
21. Philippossian R, Luthi F, Farron A, Pichonnaz C. | Update on the rehabilitation following anatomic and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. | Rev Med Suisse. 2019 Jul 10;15(657):1340-1349. French
22. Reynard F, Christe D, Terrier P. | Postural control in healthy adults: Determinants of trunk sway assessed with a chest-worn accelerometer in 12 quiet standing tasks. | PLoS One. 2019 Jan 23;14(1):e0211051
23. Rogan S, Taeymans J, Bangerter C, Simon S, Terrier P, Hilfiker R. | Influence of single and dual tasks on gait stability and gait speed in the elderly: An explorative study. | Z Gerontol Geriatr. 2019 Feb;52(1):23-27
24. Ronca E, Miller M, Brinkhof MWG; SwiSCI Study Group. | Poor adherence to influenza vaccination guidelines in spinal cord injury: results from a community-based survey in Switzerland. | Spinal Cord. 2019 Aug 1
25. Scholz-Odermatt SM, Luthi F, Wertli MM, Brunner F. | Direct Health Care Cost and Work Incapacity Related to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in Switzerland: A Retrospective Analysis from 2008 to 2015. | Pain Med. 2019 Mar 8. pii: pnz030
26. Schwegler U, Nützi M, Marti A, Trezzini B; SwiSCI study group. | Pre- and post-injury job type distributions of individuals with SCI in relation to structural changes in the labor market: A comparative analysis based on findings from the Swiss Spinal Cord Injury Cohort Study. | J Spinal Cord Med. 2019 Feb 4:1-12
27. Terrier P, Praz C, Le Carré J, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Luthi F. | Influencing walking behavior can increase the physical activity of patients with chronic pain hospitalized for multidisciplinary rehabilitation: an observational study BMC Musculoskelet Disord. | 2019 May 4;20(1):188
28. Trezzini B, Brach M, Post M, Gemperli A; SwiSCI Study Group. | Prevalence of and factors associated with expressed and unmet service needs reported by persons with spinal cord injury living in the community Spinal Cord. | 2019 Jun;57(6):490-500
29. Zürcher C, Tough H, Fekete C; SwiSCI Study Group. | Mental health in individuals with spinal cord injury: The role of socioeconomic conditions and social relationships. | PLoS One. 2019 Feb 20;14(2):e0206069
30. Liechti MD, van der Lely S, Stalder SA, Anderson CE, Birkhäuser V, Bachmann LM, Brinkhof MWG, Curt A, Jordan X, Leitner L, Mehnert U, Möhr S, Pannek J, Schubert M, Kessler TM; TASCI Study Group. | Update from TASCI, a Nationwide, Randomized, Sham-controlled, Double-blind Clinical Trial on Transcutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation in Patients with Acute Spinal Cord Injury to Prevent Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity. | Eur Urol Focus. 2019 Oct 7. pii: S2405-4569(19)30295-0
31. Wicky G, Bellmann A. | Neuropsychological rehabilitation focused on a daily activity in an extremely severe brain-injured patient. | Applied and Clinical Neuropsychology, Volume 3, Fall 2019
2019 - Presentations
1. Vuistiner P, Praz C, Konzelmann M, Léger B, Luthi F. | The use of pain medications is associated with biopsychosocial factors in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain. | Congrès SOFMER Bordeaux 2019
2. Wetzel A, Burrus C, Turlan J-L, Aleton E, Luthi F, Konzelmann M. | Rééducation de l’appareil locomoteur versus neurologique : Comment ne pas tomber dans le piège de mettre les patients dans des cases ? | Poster SOFMER 2019
3. Konzelmann M, Burrus C, Luthi F. | L’intolérance au froid après traumatismes de la main : prévalence, évaluation et prise en charge. Une revue complète et pratique. | Poster SOFMER 2019
4. Hadj-Henni K, Eggel Y, Burrus C, Luthi F, Konzelmann M. | Syndrome des loges chronique des avant-bras. Un diagnostic inhabituel. A propos de 3 cas. | Poster SOFMER 2019
5. Bertero GH, Konzelmann M. | Suva-INAIL: differenze fra i sistemi sanitari elvetico ed italiano in caso di infortunio di un assistico che lavora o risiede in Svizzera. | Poster Congrès italien de médecine générale. Florence, Novembre 2019
6. Bertero G, Konzelmann M. | Funzionamento del sistema di assicurazione degli infortuni in Svizzera ed il ruolo della Suva. | Poster Congrès italien de médecine générale. Florence, Novembre 2019
7. Benchouk S, Buchard P-A, Luthi F. | Un Syndrome Douloureux Régional Complexe migrant et multifocal, révélé par l’imagerie et traité avec succès par Bisphosphonates. | Congrès SOFMER Bordeaux 2019
8. Dayer C, LeCarré J, Vuistiner P, Benaim C, Luthi F, Giacobino J-P, Léger B. | Différences d’expression des microARN circulants chez des patients souffrant de douleurs chroniques post-traumatiques d’origine neuropathique ou nociceptive. | Congrès SOFMER Bordeaux 2019
9. Luthi F, Steinmetz S, Brügger A, Léger B, Vouilloz A, Borens O, Vuistiner P. | Survival at 5 years after Gritti-Stokes or Transfemoral amputations due to limb ischemia: predictors for mortality. | Congrès SOFMER Bordeaux 2019
10. Luthi F, Zuchuat E, Léger B, Benaim C, Vuistiner P. | Patient Acceptable Symptom State (part 1): what thresholds can we propose for questionnaires used in the management of chronic musculoskeletal pain? | Congrès SOFMER Bordeaux 2019
11. Luthi F, Zuchuat E, Vuistiner P, Benaim C, Léger B. | Patient Acceptable Symptomatic State (Part 2) and Global Impression of Change: what are the biopsychosocial factors associated with these two concepts in rehabilitation for chronic musculoskeletal pain? | Congrès SOFMER Bordeaux 2019
12. Burrus C, Vuistiner P, Rivier G, Léger B, Luthi F. | Persistence is related to better performance- based measures in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain. | Congrès SOFMER Bordeaux 2019
13. Brügger A, Borens o, Luthi F, Vuistiner P, Steinmetz S. | Survie à long-terme à 5 ans après une amputation du membre inférieur au-dessus du genou due à une insuffisance vasculaire : prédicteurs de mortalité. | SOFCOT 2019, 94th Congrès annuel, Paris, France
14. Brügger A, Borens O, Vuistiner P, Luthi F, Steinmetz S. | Long-term survival at 5 years after above the knee amputation due to vascular insufficiency: Predictors for mortality. | Swiss Orthopaedics 2019, 79th Congrès annuel, Baden, Suisse
2018 - Publications
1. Benhissen Z, Konzelmann M, Vuistiner P, Leger B, Luthi F, Benaim C. | Determining the Minimal Clinically Important Difference of the Hand Function Sort questionnaire in vocational rehabilitation. | Ann Phys Rehabil Med. 2018 Dec 15. pii : S1877-0657(18)31496-9. doi : 10.1016/j.rehab.2018.11.003. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID : 30562576.
2. Vouilloz A, Favre C, Luthi F, Loiret I, Paysant J, Martinet N, Lacraz A, Suva D, Lambert J, Borens O, Vuistiner P. | Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the ABIS questionnaire for French speaking amputees(French validation of the ABIS questionnaire).| Disabil Rehabil. 2018 Oct 2 :1-7. doi :10.1080/0 9638288.2018.1506511. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID : 30278793.
3. Terrier P, Reynard F. | Maximum Lyapunov exponent revisited : Long-term attractor divergence of gait dynamics is highly sensitive to the noise structure of stride intervals. | Gait Posture. 2018 Oct; 66 :236-241. doi : 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2018.08.010. Epub 2018 Aug 14. PubMed PMID : 30212783.
4. Luthi F, Vuistiner P, Favre C, Hilfiker R, Léger B.| Avoidance, pacing, or persistence in multidisciplinary functional rehabilitation for chronic musculoskeletal pain : An observational study with cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. | PLoS One. 2018 Sep 4;13(9) : e0203329.doi : 10.1371/journal.pone.0203329. eCollection 2018. PubMed PMID : 30180195; PubMed Central PMCID : PMC6122830.
5. Ronca E, Brunkert T, Koch HG, Jordan X, Gemperli A.| Residential location of people with chronic spinal cord injury : the importance of local health care infrastructure. | BMC Health Serv Res. 2018 Aug 22;18(1) :657. doi : 10.1186/s12913-018-3449-3. PubMed PMID : 30134900; PubMed Central PMCID : PMC6106887.
6. Reynard F, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Konzelmann M.| Immediate and short-term effects of kinesiotaping on muscular activity, mobility, strength and pain after rotator cuff surgery : a crossover clinical trial.| BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2018 Aug 22;19(1) :305. doi : 10.1186/s12891-018-2169-5. PubMed PMID : 30134883; PubMed Central PMCID : PMC6106764.
7. Anderson CE, Chamberlain JD, Jordan X, Kessler TM, Luca E, Möhr S, Pannek J, Schubert M, Brinkhof MWG; SwiSCI Study Group. | Bladder emptying method is the primary determinant of urinary tract infections in patients with spinal cord injury : results from a prospective rehabilitation cohort study. | BJU Int. 2018 Aug 16. doi : 10.1111/bju.14514. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID : 30113757.
8. Plomb-Holmes C, Clavert P, Kolo F, Tay E, Lädermann A; French Arthroscopic Society. | An orthopaedic surgeon‘ s guide to ultrasound imaging of the healthy, pathological and postoperative shoulder. | Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2018 Dec; 104(8S) :S219-S232. doi : 10.1016/j.otsr.2018.07.011. Epub 2018 Aug 11. Review. PubMed PMID : 30107274.
9. Plomb-Holmes C, Hilfiker R, Leger B, Luthi F. | Impact of a non-return-to-work prognostic model (WORRK) on allocation to rehabilitation clinical pathways : A single centre parallel group randomised trial. | PLoS One. 2018 Aug 2;13(8) : e0201687. doi : 10.1371/journal. pone.0201687. eCollection 2018. PubMed PMID : 30071081; PubMed Central PMCID : PMC6072039.
10. Praz C, Ducki J, Connaissa ML, Terrier P, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Luthi F. | Working Together and Being Physically Active Are Not Enough to Advise Uniformly and Adequately Low Back Pain Patients : A Cross-Sectional Study. | Pain Res Manag. 2018 Jun 26;2018 :4128913. doi : 10.1155/2018/4128913. eCollection 2018. PubMed PMID : 30046363; PubMed Central MCID : PMC6038593.
11. Solcà M, Ronchi R, Bello-Ruiz J, Schmidlin T, Herbelin B, Luthi F, Konzelmann M, Beaulieu JY, Delaquaize F, Schnider A, Guggisberg AG, Serino A, Blanke O.| Heartbeat-enhanced immersive virtual reality to treat complex regional pain syndrome. | Neurology. 2018 Jul 31;91(5) :e479-e489. doi : 10.1212/ WNL.0000000000005905. Epub 2018 Jul 6. PubMed PMID : 29980635.
12. Finger ME, Wicki-Roten V, Leger B, Escorpizo R. | Cross- Cultural Adaptation of the Work Rehabilitation Questionnaire (WORQ) to French : A Valid and Reliable Instrument to Assess Work Functioning.| J Occup Rehabil. 2018 Jun 26. doi : 10.1007/s10926- 018-9795-5. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID : 29946812.
13. Biasiucci A, Leeb R, Iturrate I, Perdikis S, Al-Khodairy A, Corbet T, Schnider A, Schmidlin T, Zhang H, Bassolino M, Viceic D, Vuadens P, Guggisberg AG, Millán JDR.| Brain-actuated functional electrical stimulation elicits lasting arm motor recovery after stroke.| Nat Commun. 2018 Jun 20;9(1) :2421. doi : 10.1038/ s41467-018-04673-z. PubMed PMID : 29925890; PubMed Central PMCID : PMC6010454.
14. Chamberlain JD, Gmünder HP, Hug K, Jordan X, Moser A, Schubert M, Brinkhof MWG. | Differential survival after traumatic spinal cord injury : evidence from a multi-center longitudinal cohort study in Switzerland. | Spinal Cord. 2018 Oct;56(10) :920-930. doi : 10.1038/s41393-018-0163-2. Epub 2018 Jun 12. PubMed PMID : 29895883.
15. Champagne-Lavau M, Cordonier N, Bellmann A, Fossard M. | Context processing during irony comprehension in right-frontal brain-damaged individuals.| Clin Linguist Phon. 018;32(8) :721-738. doi : 10.1080/02699206.2018.1430851. Epub 2018 Feb 2. PubMed PMID : 29393697.
16. Gafner SC, Bastiaenen CH, Ferrari S, Gold G, Terrier P, Hilfiker R, Allet L. | Hip muscle and hand-grip strength to differentiate between older fallers and non-fallers : a cross-sectional validity study.| Clin Interv Aging. 2017 Dec 21;13 :1-8. doi : 10.2147/ CIA.S146834. eCollection 2018. PubMed PMID : 29317804; PubMed Central PMCID : PMC5743114.
17. Tüscher J, Burrus C, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Rivier G, Luthi F. | Predictive Value of the Fear-Avoidance Model on Functional Capacity Evaluation. | J Occup Rehabil. 2018 Sep;28(3) :513-522. doi : 10.1007/s10926-017- 9737-7. PubMed PMID : 29094284; PubMed Central PMCID : PMC6096494.
18. Zermatten V, Rochat L, Manolov R, Van der Linden M. | Can an external device create and trigger intention in a patient with a severe brain injury ?| Neuropsychol Rehabil. 2018 Oct;28(7) :1211-1228. doi : 10.1080/09602011.2016.1255230. Epub 2016 Nov 22. PubMed PMID : 27873539.
19. Buzzell A, Chamberlain JD, Gmünder HP, Hug K, Jordan X, Schubert M, Brinkhof MWG; SwiSCI study group. | Survival after non-traumatic spinal cord injury : evidence from a population-based rehabilitation cohort in Switzerland. | Spinal Cord. 2018 Nov 9. doi : 10.1038/s41393-018-0212-x. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID : 30413804.
2018 - Presentations
1. Pires Rodrigues G, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Konzelmann M, Burrus C, Luthi F. | Les facteurs psychologiques ont-ils une influence sur la mesure du score de Constant- Murley ? | Congrès SOFCOT Paris 2018
2. Favre C. | Explorer le monde du supervisé : la métaphore de la navigation. | Colloque francophone de pratiques en TCC, Genève, 14-16 juin
3. Favre C. | CBT and Chronic pain. | Masterclass au 48th Congress of European Association of Behavioural Cognitive Therapy, Sofia (Bulgaria), 5-8 September
4. Dalla Palma R, Jurkic I, Jordan X, Reynard F. | SWIS-Sion Wheelchair Independence Scale. | XVIII Congresso Nazionale SIMS
5. Benhissen Z, Konzelmann M, Vuistiner P, Leger B, Luthi F, Devilliers H, Hilfiker R, Benaim C. | Development of the Short-Hand Function Sort in vocational rehabilitation.| ISPRM ; Paris; July 2018
6. Garcia A, Hilfiker R, Luthi F | Prognostic factors of return to work after orthopaedic trauma : a systematic review. | Congrès ISPRM ; Paris 2018
7. Pires G, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Konzelmann M, Burrus C, Luthi F. | Influence of psychological factors on the Constant-Murley score ? | Congrès ISPRM ; Paris 2018
8. Christos Karatzios, Isabelle Loiret, François Lüthi, Bertrand Leger, Joane Le Carre, Guillaume Muff, Charles Benaim. | Transcultural Adaptation and Validation of a French Version of the Prosthesis Evaluation Questionnaire (PEQ-F). | Congrès ISPRM ; Paris 2018
9. Christos Karatzios, Isabelle Loiret, François Lüthi, Bertrand Leger, Joane Le Carre, Guillaume Muff, Charles Benaim. | Transcultural Adaptation and Validation of a French Version of the Prosthetic Limb Users Survey of Mobility 12 items Short-Form (PLUS-M/FC-12).| Congrès ISPRM ; Paris 2018
10. Philippe Terrier, Caroline Praz, Joane Le Carré, Philippe Vuistiner, Bertrand Léger, François Luthi. | Pain interference with physical functioning is associated with physical activity level in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain. | Congrès ISPRM, Paris 2018
11. Garcia A, Hilfiker R, Luthi F | Facteurs prédictifs du retour au travail après un traumatisme orthopédique. Une revue systématique. | Congrès SOFCOT, Paris 2018
12. Bénédicte Bender | Groupe psychothérapeutique « douleurs et limitations » : prise en charge des patients hospitalisés dans une clinique de réadaptation de l’appareil locomoteur. | Colloque francophone de pratiques en TCC, Genève, 14-16 juin
13. Bénédicte Bender | « J’ai mal, je ne bouge pas ! » : comment remettre en activité un patient souffrant de douleurs musculo-squelettiques chroniques ?| Colloque francophone de pratiques en TCC, Genève, 14-16 juin
14. Dalla Palma R, Jurkic I, Jordan X, Reynard F. | SWISSion Wheelchair Independence Scale. | XVIII Congresso Nazionale SIMS
15. Zambaz C., Buchard P.-A. | Repetitive flares of pseudogout secondary to hypomagnesemia in the context of a Crohn’s disease. | SSR/SSAI, Interlaken, 2018
2017 - Publications
1. Benaïm C, Léger B, Vuistiner P, Luthi F. | Validation of the French Version of the “Patterns of Activity Measure” in Patients with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain. | Pain Research and Management 2017: 6570394.
2. Beni C, Rochat L, Malysse N, Delecroix H, Arnould A, Azouvi P, Bellmann A, Van der Linden M. | L’Échelle des changements de comportements socio-émotionnels de Genève (ECCSEG) : validation auprès de patients victimes d’un traumatisme crânio-cérébral.| Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement 2017 49(1):7–17.
3. Burrus C, Dériaz O, Luthi F, Konzelmann M. | Role of pain in measuring shoulder strength abduction and flexion with the Constant–Murley score. | Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2017 60(4):258–262.
4. Gafner S, Bastiaenen C, Terrier P, Punt IM, Ferrari S, Gold G, de Bie R, Allet L. | Evaluation of hip abductor and adductor strength in the elderly: a reliability study. | European Review of Aging and Physical Activity 2017 14(1):5.
5. Müller R, Brinkhof MW, Landmann G, Jordan X, Béchir M. | Prevalence and associated factors of pain in the Swiss spinal cord injury population. | Spinal Cord 2017 55(4):346–354.
6. Müller R, Landmann G, Béchir M, Hinrichs T, Arnet U, Jordan X, Brinkhof MW. | Chronic pain, depression and quality of life in individuals with spinal cord injury: Mediating role of participation. | Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2017 49(6):489–496.
7. Maggio ABR, Vuistiner P, Crettenand A, Tabin R, Martin XE, Beghetti M, Farpour-Lambert NJ, Deriaz O | Adapting the “Chester step test” to predict peak oxygen uptake in children. | Swiss medical weekly 2017 147:w14435.
8. Opsommer E, Rivier G, Crombez G, Hilfiker R. | The predictive value of subsets of the Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire for return to work in chronic low back pain. | European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2017 53(3):359–365.
9. Perez-Marcos D, Chevalley O, Schmidlin, T, Garipelli G, Serino A, Vuadens P, Millán JDR. | Increasing upper limb training intensity in chronic stroke using embodied virtual reality: a pilot study. | Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 2017 14(1):119.
10. Plomb-Holmes C, Luthi F, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Hilfiker R. | A Return-to-Work Prognostic Model for Orthopaedic Trauma Patients (WORRK) Updated for Use at 3, 12 and 24 Months. | Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 2017 27(4):568–575.
11. Pozeg P, Palluel E, Ronchi R, Solcà M, Al-Khodairy AW, Jordan X, Kassouha A, Blanke O. | Virtual reality improves embodiment and neuropathic pain caused by spinal cord injury. | Neurology. 2017 89(18):1894– 1903.
12. Reynard F, Terrier P. | Determinants of gait stability while walking on a treadmill: a machine learning approach. | Journal of Biomechanics 2017 65(8):212– 215.
13. Ros T, Michela A, Bellman A, Vuadens P, Saj A, Vuilleumier P. | Increased Alpha-Rhythm Dynamic Range Promotes Recovery from Visuospatial Neglect: A Neurofeedback Study. | Neural Plasticity 2017 7407241.
14. Serino A, Askelrod M, Salomon R, Martuzzi R, Blefari ML, Canzoneri E, Rognini G, van der Zwaag W, Iakova M, Luthi F, Amoresano A, Kuiken T, Blanke O. | Upper limb cortical maps in amputees with targeted muscle and sensory reinnervation: a 7T fMRI study. | Brain 2017 140(11): 1993–3011.
15. Terrier P, Le Carré J, Connaissa ML, Léger B, Luthi F. | Monitoring of Gait Quality in Patients with Chronic Pain of Lower Limbs. | IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2017 25(10):1843–1852.
16. Van Reedt Dortland AK, Peters LL, Boenink AD, Smit JH, Slaets JP, Hoogendoorn AW, Joos A, Latour CH, Stiefel F, Burrus C, Guitteny-Collas M, Ferrari S. | Assessment of biopsychosocial complexity and health care needs: measurement properties of the INTERMED self-assessment version (IMSA). | Psychosomatic Medicine 2017 79(4):485– 492.
17. Buchard PA, Burrus C, Luthi F, Theumann N, Riand N, Konzelmann M. | La capsulite rétractile de l’épaule : Mise au point en 2017. | Revue Médicale Suisse 2017 13 : 1704–1709
18. Huber C, Hund-Georgiadis M, Jordan X, Kuhfuss P, de Roche R. | Guided Tissue Regeneration unter NPWT. | CHAZ 2017 18:291–296
19. Jordan M, Jordan X. | Wunden und Medikamente | Wund Management 2017; 11 (3)
20. Jordan X. | Des maladies du squelette/Krankheiten des Bewegungsapparates. | Annexe polio de Faire Face 6/2017,
21. Arbeitsgruppe «Dekubitus» der DMGP (Jordan X)| Querschnittspezifische Dekubitusbehandlung und-prävention. | S1-Leitlinie 179-008 der Deutschsprachigen Medizinischen Gesellschaft für Paraplegie e.V. (DMGP). Jul 2017
2017 - Presentations
1. Benaïm C. | Quels sont les changements cliniquement significatifs aux résultats des tests fonctionnels, réalisés en clinique, chez le patients douloureux chronique ? | 5ème journée valaisanne de recherche translationnelle en réadaptation, Apr. 2017, Sion.| Communication orale, orateur principal.
2. Bruyneel AV, Gafner S, Ferrari S, Gold G, Terrier P, Bastiaenen C , Allet L. | Intra-rater reliability of hip abductor isometric strength assessment in older fallers and non-fallers. | 32e congrès de médicine physique et réadaptation SOFMER, Oct. 2017, Nancy.| Communication orale.
3. Eichenberger M, Quellet F, Reynard F, Duperrier C, Jordan X. | Gang-Orthese „Holster“. | 30. Jahrestagung der Deutschsparchigen Medizinischen Gesellschaft für Paraplegie e. V. (DMGP). Mai 2017, Ulm, Germany.
4. Favre C, Luthi F. | La Régulation/Modulation des activités (Pacing) lors de douleurs musculosquelettiques chroniques : une revue narrative. | 32nd Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2017, Nancy. | Communication orale.
5. Favre C, Luthi F, Léger B, Vuistiner P. | Le rôle de médiateur de la kinésiophobie et du catastrophisme sur les patterns d’activité, la détresse psychologique et des capacités fonctionnelles. | 32nd Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2017, Nancy. | Communication orale.
6. Favre C, Luthi F, Léger B, Vuistiner P. | The mediating role of kinesophobia and catastrophization on activity pattern, psychological distress and functional capacities. | 10th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC, Sep. 2017, Copenhagen.| Communication orale.
7. Fedou M. | Réadaptation professionnelle après un traumatisme orthopédique. La voie Suisse. | 32nd Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2017, Nancy. | Communication orale.
8. Gafner S, Bastiaenen C, Ferrari S, Gold G, Terrier P, Hilfiker R, Allet L. | Valeur diagnostique de la force des muscles de la hanche et de la force de préhension au regard de la chute des personnes âgées.| 1er congrès de coopération PhysioSwiss– RehaSchweiz, Oct. 2017, Davos, Switzerland.| Poster.
9. Gafner S, Bastiaenen C, Terrier P, Punt I, Ferrari S, Gold G, de Bie R, Allet L. | Evaluation de la force des muscles abducteurs et adducteurs de la hanche chez les personnes âgées : étude de fiabilité. | 1er congrès de coopération PhysioSwiss– RehaSchweiz, Oct. 2017, Davos, Switzerland.| Communication orale.
10. Garcia A, Luthi F, Hilfiker R, Plomb C. | Facteurs prédictifs précoces et tardifs de non retour au travail après un traumatisme orthopédique. | 32nd Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2017, Nancy. | Communication orale.
11. Konzelmann M. | Évaluation du Retour au Travail (ERT) chez le travailleur manuel après lésion de l’épaule. | 32nd Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2017, Nancy. | Communication orale.
12. Lang C, Imark M. | Le polytraumatisme, de la rupture à… la complexité ? | AIRR – XXXVèmes journées d’études, Evian. | Communication orale.
13. Luthi F. | Comportements, douleur et effets de la réadaptation : qu’avons-nous appris ? | 5ème journée valaisanne de recherche translationnelle en réadaptation, Apr. 2017, Sion. | Communication orale.
14. Luthi F, Vuistiner P, Favre C, Hilfiker R, Terrier P, Léger B. | Douleurs chroniques musculo-squelettiques, comportements et réadaptation : qu’avons-nous appris ? | 32nd Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2017, Nancy. | Communication orale.
15. Morgounovski J, Vuistiner P, Luthi F. | Développement d’un index cumulatif psychosocial modifié : associations avec handicap, interférence de la douleur et retour au travail 1 an après réadaptation. | 32nd Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2017, Nancy. | Communication orale.
16. Morgounovski J, Luthi F, Vuistiner P. | Prédiction du retour au travail grâce au modèle peur-évitement : validation d’un index cumulatif psychosocial modifié.| 32nd Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2017, Nancy. | Communication orale.
17. Mühl A, Aubert C, Bellmann A, Benaim C, Devanthéry F, Fédou M, Jungo S, Léger B, Wicky G, Vuadens P. | Normalisation of a new ecologic organisation and problem solving test in an vocational rehabilitation setting : TEM-PRO. | 2nd congress on Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, May 2017, Maastricht, the Netherlands. | Poster.
18. Mühl A, Léger B, Benaïm C, Reynard F. Eichenberger M, Quellet F, Terrier P, Vuadens P. | An ergonomic upper-limb support (HOLSTER) to improve comfort and enhance gait in patients with hemiparesis: a first insight into an ongoing cross-over trial. | European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation, Oct. 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland. | Poster.
19. Rossano C, Jordan X, Vuadens P, Terrier P. | Helping stroke survivors recover walking abilities through augmented reality gait training during early rehabilitation: First insight into the GASPAR trial. | European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation, Oct. 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland. | Poster.
20. Sola C, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Luthi F, Burrus C.| Influence de la modulation/régulation d’activité sur les tests fonctionnels chez des lombalgiques chroniques.| 32nd Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2017, Nancy. | Poster.
21. Terrier P, Burrus C, Le Carré J, Léger B, Luthi F.| Association between perceived walking impairment and real-life gait measures in patients with chronic pain of lower limbs. | 32nd Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2017, Nancy. | Poster.
22. Terrier P. | Niveau d’activité physique des patients hospitalisés pour des douleurs musculosquelettiques.| 5ème journée valaisanne de recherche translationnelle en réadaptation, Apr. 2017, Sion.| Communication orale.
23. Terrier P. | Life is locomotion –Tracking movements. Recognize, Repair, Regrow – Personalized Biomedicine Rises; | Charité Hospital BSRT Symposium 2017, Nov. 2017, Berlin, Germany.| Communication orale, orateur principal.
24. Terrier P, Reynard F. | Importance of vision for minimizing postural sway evidenced through a battery of simple standing balance tasks and a chest-worn accelerometer. | 26th annual meeting of the European Society of Movement Analysis for Adults and Children, Sep. 2017, Trondheim, Norway. | Poster.
25. Vuistiner P. Pronostic de retour au travail après un traumatisme de l’appareil locomoteur : intérêt du Modèle Peur-Evitement. | 5ème journée valaisanne de recherche translationnelle en réadaptation, Apr. 2017, Sion. | Communication orale.
2016 - Publications
1. Azouvi P, Vallat-Azouvi C, Joseph PA, Meulemans T, Bertola C, Le Gall D, Bellmann A, Roussel M, Coyette F, Krier M, Franconie C, Bindschadler C; Diouf M, Godefroy O, the GREFEX Study Group (Groupe de Reflexion sur l’Evaluation des Fonctions Executives). | Executive functions deficits after severe traumatic brain injury: the GREFEX Study. | Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 2016, 31(3): E10-E20.
2. Descloux V, Maurer R. | Assessing Mental Imagery to Evaluate Topographical Disorientation: Group Study and Preliminary Normative Data. | Applied Neuropsychology: Adult 2016, 23(1): 1-10.
3. Hilfiker R, Knutti I, Raval-Roland B, Rivier G, Crombez G, Opsommer E. | Validity and responsiveness of the French version of the Örebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire in chronic low back pain. | European Spine Journal 2016, 25(9): 2741-2749.
4. Brinkhof MWG, Al-Khodairy A, Eriks-Hoogland I, Fekete C, Hinrichs T, Georgiadis M, Meier S, Scheel- Sailer A, Schubert M, Reinhardt JD | Health conditions in people with spinal cord injury: Contemporary evidence from a population-based community survey in Switzerland. | Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2016, 48: 197-209.
5. Favre C | « J’ai mal, je ne peux plus faire » : quels sont les obstacles face aux activités quotidiennes et comment les dépasser ? | Douleurs Evaluation — Diagnostic — Traitement 2016, 17 : 72-76.
6. Praz C, Fasel B, Vuistiner P, Aminiam K, Kayser B. | Optimal slopes and speeds in uphill ski mountaineering - a field study. | European Journal of Applied Physiology 2016, 116(10): 2017-2024.
7. Praz C, Fasel B, Vuistiner P, Aminian K, Kayser B. | Optimal slopes and speeds in ski mountaineering: a laboratory study. | European Journal of Applied Physiology 2016, 116(5): 1011–1019.
8. Prodinger B, Ballert CS, Brach M, Brinkhof MWG, Cieza A, Hug K, Jordan X, Post MWM, Scheel-Sailer A, Schubert M, Tennant A, Stucki G. | Toward standardized reporting for a cohort study on functioning: The Swiss Spinal Cord Injury cohort study. | Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2016, 48: 189-196.
9. Rossano C, Terrier P. | Visually-guided gait training in paretic patients during the first rehabilitation phase: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. | Trials 2016, 17(1) : 523.
10. Terrier P. | Fractal Fluctuations in Human Walking: Comparison between Auditory and Visually Guided Stepping. | Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2016, 44(9): 2785–2793.
11. Wolfensberger A, Vuistiner P, Konzelmann M, Plomb-Holmes C., Léger B. Luthi F. | Psychosocial Factors Affect Clinician-based As Well As Patientreported Outcomes In Chronic Shoulder Pain Patients. | Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research 2016, 474: 2030–2039.
12. Pichonnaz C, Milliet J, Farron A, Luthi F. | Mise au point sur la rééducation après chirurgie de la coiffe des rotateurs de l’épaule. | Revue Médicale Suisse 2016, 12 : 1278-1283
2016 - Presentations
1. van Assche, V, Kebets, V, Moix, V, van der Meulen M, Goldstein R, Ghika J, Vuilleumier P, Assal F. | Impairment of recollection memory following selective lesion of the fornix: insights from functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. | SFCNS Congress, Sep. 2016, Basel. | Oral Communication.
2. Bassolino M, Bouzerda-Wahlen A, Moix V, Bellmann A, Serino A, Blanke O. | Repairing heterotopoagnosia through body-related multisensory stimulation: a case report. | 14e Journée romande de neuropsychologie, Nov. 2016, Sion. | Oral Communication.
3. Bellmann A. | La motivation : une histoire de circuits neuronaux ? | Journée médicale CRR 2016 « Motivation, la clé du changement », Sep. 2016, Sion. | Oral communication.
4. Benaïm C. | Evaluation rapide de l’équilibre et de la marche chez l’amputé de membre inférieur. | 4e journée Valaisanne de recherche translationelle en réadaptation Apr. 2016, Sion. | Oral communication, invited speaker.
5. Benhissen Z, Konzelmann M, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Luthi F, Benaïm C. | Is it possible to determine the minimal clinically important difference (MCID) of the French version of the hand function sort (HFS-F) for patients hospitalized in musculoskeletal rehabilitation?| 31st Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2016, St-Etienne. | Oral communication.
6. Buchard PA. | Motivation : le clinicien peut-il en juger ?| Journée médicale CRR 2016 « Motivation, la clé du changement », Sep. 2016, Sion. | Oral communication.
7. Burrus C, Gable C, Moureau F, Luthi F, Pereira Simoes M, Lacombe P, Deriaz O, Paysant J, Konzelmann M. | Validation de la version standardisée du bilan 400 points. | Congrès du GEMGEMMSOR, Dec. 2016, Paris.
8. Burrus C, Tuscher J, Vuistiner P, Rivier G, Léger B, Luthi F. | Predictive value of the “fear-avoidance” model on functional capacity evaluation (FCE) after orthopaedic trauma. | 31st Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2016, St-Etienne. | Oral communication.
9. Candal A, Bellmann, A, Wicky G, Vuadens P, Ptak R. | Le défi des troubles comportementaux post- TCC : l’innovation de la réhabilitation avec biofeedback.| 14e Journée romande de neuropsychologie, Nov. 2016, Sion. | Poster.
10. Favre C. | Vivre avec une maladie chronique. | Journée de Rhumatologie romande, Ligue suisse contre le rhumatisme, Sep. 2016, Lausanne. | Oral communication.
11. Favre C, Savoy J. | Je veux donc je m’engage : obstacles et étapes psychologiques. | Journée médicale CRR 2016 « Motivation, la clé du changement », Sep. 2016, Sion. | Oral communication.
12. Fédou M. | Prêt à retourner au travail ? | Journée médicale CRR 2016 « Motivation, la clé du changement », Sep. 2016, Sion. | Oral communication.
13. Gafner S, Bastiaenen C, Punt I, Gold G, Ferrari S, Hilfiker R, Terrier P, Allet L. | Can frontal plane hip strength reliably be measured in elderly patients at risk of falls? | Swiss physio-congress, Jun. 2016, Basel. | Oral communication.
14. Gafner S, Bastiaenen C, Punt I, Gold G, Ferrari S, Hilfiker R, Monnin D, Terrier P, Allet L. | Does frontal plane hip strength differentiate between elderly patients classified as fallers and non-fallers? | Swiss physio-congress, Jun. 2016, Basel. | Oral communication.
15. Jordan M, Roulet L, Rivier G, Beney J. | Ein Jahr Arzneimittelanamnese bei Patientenübertritten vom Akutspital zur Rehabilitation. | 20e journées franco- suisses de pharmacie hospitalière, Dec. 2016, Berne. | Poster.
16. Jordan X. | La paraplégie au cabinet médical. | Jeudi de la Vaudoise, Mars 2016, Lausanne. | Oral communication.
17. Jordan X, Leger B., Luca E., Vuadens P. | Intrathekales Baclofen beim Fussgänger : gibt es eine bessere funktionelle Indikation? | 29. Jahrestagung der DMGP, Mai 2016, Hambourg. | Oral communication.
18. Jordan X. | Wie viele Bakterien benötigt eine Wunde, um zu heilen? | 6. HARTMANN Wundsymposium, Jun. 2016, Zürich. | Oral communication, invited speaker.
19. Konzelmann M, Burrus C, Gable C, Moureau F, Luthi F, Do Rosario Pereira Simoes M, Lacombe P, Paysant J. | Validation d’une nouvelle version standardisée du bilan 400 points. | 52e Congrès annuel de la Société française de chirurgie de la main, Dec. 2016, Paris. | Oral communication.
20. Léger B. | Caractérisation de l’origine des douleurs chroniques par l’utilisation de biomarqueurs sanguins.| 4e journée Valaisanne de recherche translationelle en réadaptation Apr. 2016. | Oral communication.
21. Luthi F. | Chronic pain and activity: Avoidance, pacing… or persistence? | 31st Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2016, St-Etienne. | Oral communication.
22. Luthi F. | Douleur et comportement : quels tests fonctionnels choisir ? | 4e journée Valaisanne de recherche translationelle en réadaptation, Apr. 2016, Sion. | Oral communication.
23. Luthi F, Konzelmann M. | Bouger plus ? … entre maux-tivation et motivation. | Journée médicale CRR 2016 « Motivation, la clé du changement », Sep. 2016, Sion. | Oral communication.
24. Luthi F, Wolfensberger A, Vuistiner P, Konzelmann M, Plomb-Holmes C, Léger B. | Clinician and patient-reported outcomes are associated with psychological factors in chronic shoulder pain patients. | 31st Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2016, St-Etienne.
25. Moix Wicki V, Mariéthoz Baeriswyl E, Bellmann A, Kleeberg J, Vuadens P. | Amnésie antérograde et rétrograde par lésion sélective bilatérale du fornix.| 14e Journée romande de neuropsychologie, Nov. 2016, Sion. | Poster.
26. Morgounovski J, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Luthi F. | The fear–avoidance model to predict return to work after an orthopedic trauma. | 31st Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2016, St-Etienne. | Oral communication.
27. Mühl A, Aubert C, Wicky G, Fédou M, Devanthéry F, Jungo S, Benaïm C, Léger B, Vuadens P, Bellmann A. | Normalization of an ecologic organization and problem-solving test in a vocational rehabilitation setting: TEM-PRO. | 31st Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2016, St-Etienne. | Oral communication.
28. Mühl A. | Lésion neurologique : la parésie de la motivation ? | Journée médicale CRR 2016 « Motivation, la clé du changement », Sep. 2016, Sion. | Oral communication.
29. Plomb-Holmes C, Hilfiker R, Luthi F. | Does the knowledge of a “non-return to work” predictive score influence vocational rehabilitation? | 31st Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2016, St-Etienne. | Oral communication.
30. Schlüer AB, Jordan X. | Alte Haut - Junge Haut: Parallelen und Unterschiede in der Dekubitusprävention. | 18. Symposium über moderne Wundbehandlung. Sept. 2016. Zürich. | Oral communication, invited speaker.
31. Terrier P, Le Carré J, Léger B, Luthi F. | Physical activity level in inpatients with chronic musculoskeletal pain during multidisciplinary rehabilitation. | Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Jul. 2016, Vienna. | Poster (debated).
32. Terrier P. | Ambulatory monitoring of gait quality with wearable inertial sensors. | Digital Health 2016 – Early Diagnosis & Prevention – 1. Electronic sensors for health monitoring, Jun. 2016, Geneva. | Oral communication, invited speaker.
33. Terrier P. | Douleur chronique et mobilité : associations entre vitesse, qualité de marche et douleur. | 4e journée Valaisanne de recherche translationelle en réadaptation, Apr. 2016, Sion. | Oral communication.
34. Tüscher J. | Evitement et les performances lors des évaluations des capacités fonctionnelles. | 4e journée Valaisanne de recherche translationelle en réadaptation, Apr. 2016, Sion. | Oral communication.
35. Vouilloz A, Luthi F. | Creation of a brochure for amputees: Living with an amputation. | 31st Annual Congress of the French Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (SOFMER), Oct. 2016, St-Etienne. | Poster.
36. Zermatten V. | Efficacité d’un système d’alarme pour créer et déclencher une intention d’action chez un patient avec troubles cognitifs sévères. | Symposium organisé par le Foyer Valais de Coeur sur le thème « Modifications comportementales suite à une lésion cérébrale acquise : quelles interventions possibles ? » Sep. 2016, Sion. | Oral Communication.
37. Zermatten V. | La prise en charge neuropsychologique des patients avec lésions cérébrales et troubles cognitifs sévères. | 14e Journée romande de neuropsychologie, Nov. 2016, Sion. | Oral Communication.
2015 - Publications
Al-Khodairy AT, Wicky G, Nicolo D, Vuadens P. | Influence of intrathecal baclofen on the level of consciousness and mental functions after extremely severe traumatic brain injury: Brief report. | Brain injury 2015, 29(4):527-532.
Atzori M, Gijsberts A, Kuzborskij I, Elsig S, Mittaz Hager AG, Deriaz O, Castellini C, Müller H, Caputo, B. | Characterization of a benchmark database for myoelectric movement classification. | IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 2015, 23(1):73-83.
Chamberlain JD, Dériaz O, Hund-Georgiadis M, Meier S, Scheel-Sailer A, Schubert M, Stucki M, Brinkhof MW. | Epidemiology and contemporary risk profile of traumatic spinal cord injury in Switzerland. | Injury epidemiology 2015 2(1): 1-11.
Descloux V, Bellmann A, Maurer, R. | Assessment of Topographical Disorientation: First Application of New Tests and Case Report. | Applied Neuropsychology Adult 2015, 22(5):373-380.
Favre C, Dériaz O., Hanon R., Luthi F : | Care related pain in rehabilitation after orthopedic trauma: An exploratory study with qualitative data. | Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2015, 58(3):132-138.
Konzelmann M, Burrus C, Hilfiker R, Rivier G, Dériaz O, Luthi F. | Cross-Cultural Adaptation, Reliability, Internal Consistency and Validation of the Hand Function Sort (HFS) for French Speaking Patients with Upper Limb Complaints. | Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 2015, 25(1):18-24.
Praz C, Granges M, Burtin C, Kayser B. | Nutritional behaviour and beliefs of ski-mountaineers: a semi-quantitative and qualitative study. | Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2015, 12:46.
Reynard F, Terrier P. | Role of visual input in the control of dynamic balance: variability and instability of gait in treadmill walking while blindfolded. | Experimental Brain Research 2015, 233(4):1031-1040.
Terrier P, Reynard F. | Effect of age on the variability and stability of gait: a cross-sectional treadmill study in healthy individuals between 20 and 69 years of age. | Gait and Posture 2015, 41(1):170-174.
Vuistiner P, Luthi F, Erhart P, Scholz, Dériaz O. | Subjective perceptions as prognostic factors of time to fitness for work during a four year period after inpatient rehabilitation for orthopaedic trauma. | Swiss Medical Weekly 2015, 145:w14235.
2015 - Presentations
- Aubert Ch., Wicky G., Bornet A., Fédou M., Mühl A., Devanthery F., Jungo S., Bellmann A., Vuadens Ph. | Elaboration et normalisation d’un Test des Errances Multiples en milieu PROfessionnel : le TEM-PRO. | 13e Journée romande de neuropsychologie, Nov. 2015, Neuchâtel. | Poster : 3e prix exæquo
Bassolino M, Bouzerda-Wahlen A, Moix V, Bellmann A, Serino A, Blanke O. | Repairing heterotopagnosia through body-related multisensory stimulation: a case report.| 5th Conference of the European Societies of Neuropsychology, Sep. 2015, Tampere, Finland. | Poster.
Bellmann A. | La validation de symptômes neuropsychologiques. | Journée de l’Association Romande des Praticiens en Expertises Médicales, Sep. 2015, Lausanne. | Oral communication.
Benaim C, Léger B, Vuistiner P, Luthi F. | Validation of the French version of the “Patterns of activity measure” in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain. | Congrès annuel SSED et ASMPP, Nov. 2015, Soleure. | Poster.
Bender B. | La prise en charge des patients accidentés souffrant de douleurs : Pourquoi s'intéresser à leurs croyances ? | 1er Colloque Francophone de Pratiques en TCC, May 2015, Lyon. | Oral communication.
Betrisey M, Bellmann Thiran A. Music therapy devoted to neuropsychological rehabilitation. 4th International Conference on Music & Emotion, Oct. 2015, Geneva. Poster.
Burrus C, Ducki J, Connaissa ML, Léger B, Terrier P, Vuistiner P, Luthi F. | L’influence de différents facteurs chez les thérapeutes dans l’application des recommandations pour des lombalgies chroniques. | SOFMER, Oct. 2015, Montpellier, France. | Oral communication.
Burrus, C, Gable C, Moureau F, Luthi F, Pereira Simoes MP, Lacombe P, Dériaz O, Paysant J, Konzelmann M. | Validation of a new standardized version of the “400 points assessment”. | SOFMER, Oct. 2015, Montpellier, France. | Oral communication.
Burrus C, Luthi F, Léger B, Favre C, Hilfiker R, Terrier P, Vuistiner P. | Patterns d’activité chez les patients avec des douleurs chroniques après un traumatisme orthopédique. | SOFMER, Oct. 2015, Montpellier, France. | Oral communication.
Centomo F., Bellmann A., Wicky G., Van der Linden M. | Rééducation centrée sur une activité de la vie quotidienne chez un patient avec lésions cérébrales et troubles cognitifs sévères. | 13e Journée romande de neuropsychologie, Nov. 2015, Neuchâtel. | Poster : 3e prix exæquo.
Chevalley O, Schmidlin T, Perez-Marcos D, Garipelli G, Leeb R, Duc C, Vollen R, Vuadens P, Tadi T, Blanke O, Millán J. | Intensive Upper Limb Neuro-rehabilitation with Virtual Reality in Chronic Stroke: A Case Report. | Annual Meeting of American Society of Neurorehabilitation, Chicago, IL, USA, Oct. 2015. | Poster.
Connaissa ML, Ducki J, Vuistiner P, Luthi F, Léger B, Terrier P. Walking activity of the medical staff in the Clinique romande de réadaptation. Congrès Suisse de médecine du sport, Oct. 2015, Tenero, Switzerland. Poster.
Dayer C, Luthi F, Le Carré J, Turcatti G, Léger B. | miRNAs as biomarkers for chronic musculoskeletal pain in humans. | Congrès annuel SSED et ASMPP, Nov. 2015, Soleure. Poster. | Best poster award.
Esposito F., Gendolla G.H.E., Van der Linden M. | Comment le sentiment d’auto-efficacité est lié à l’apathie dans le vieillissement ? | 13e Journée romande de neuropsychologie, Nov. 2015, Neuchâtel. | Poster
Favre C. | Quelle TCC pour la douleur chronique ? | 43ème Congrès annuel de TCC, AFTCC, Dec. 2015, Paris . | Oral communication.
Favre C. | « J’ai mal, je ne peux pas faire ». Quels sont les obstacles face aux activités et comment les dépasser ? | 15ème Congrès national de la Société Française d’Etude de la Douleur, Nov. 2015, Nantes. | Oral communication.
Favre C. | Bio-psycho-social complexity: what reality in Clinical practice. | 9th world congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, National session Switzerland, Jun. 2015, Berlin, Germany. | Oral communication.
Favre C. | TCC et douleur chronique: comment remettre le patient en activité ? | 1er Colloque Francophone de Pratiques en TCC, May 2015, Lyon. | Oral communication.
Favre C. | Pourquoi s’intéresse-t-on aux croyances ? | Journée médicale « Croyances du thérapeute, croyances du patient », Apr. 2015, Sion | Oral communication.
Fournier PE, Duc M, Crettenand A, Terrier P, Léger B. | Body parameters and level of physical fitness of Swiss border guards. | Congrès Suisse de médecine du sport, Oct. 2015, Tenero, Switzerland. | Poster
Fournier PE, Duc M, Crettenand A, Terrier P, Léger B. | Health status, sport practice of Swiss border guards. | Congrès Suisse de médecine du sport, Oct. 2015, Tenero, Switzerland. | Poster.
Hilfiker R. | Quelle mobilité est nécessaire pour être satisfait dans les AVQ lorsqu’on souffre d’une arthrose du genou ? | 3e journée valaisanne de recherche translationelle en réadaptation, Apr. 2015, Sion. | Oral communication.
Léger B. | A l‘aube des nouveaux marqueurs de la douleur chronique? | 3e journée valaisanne de recherche translationelle en réadaptation, Apr. 2015, Sion. | Oral communication.
Loiret I, Vuistiner P, Paysant J, Arlettaz Y, Assal M, Borens O, Huchon L, Martinet N, Vouilloz A, Luthi F. | Cross-cultural adaptation, reliability, internal consistency and validation of the Trinity Amputation and Prosthetic Experience Scales-Revised (TAPES-R) for French speaking patients with lower limb amputation. | SOFMER, Oct. 2015, Montpellier, France. | Oral communication.
Luthi F, Léger B, Favre C, Hilfiker H, Terrier P, Vuistiner P. | Activity patterns among patients with chronic pain after orthopaedic trauma. | Congrès annuel SSED et ASMPP, Nov. 2015, Soleure. | Poster.
Luthi F, Léger B, Favre C, Hilfiker H, Terrier P, Vuistiner P. | Activity patterns among patients with chronic pain after orthopaedic trauma. | 9th Congress of the European Pain Federation (EFIC), Sep. 2015, Vienna, Austria. | Poster.
Luthi F. | Le movement : même pas peur ! | 3e journée valaisanne de recherche translationelle en réadaptation Apr. 2015, Sion. | Oral communication.
Luthi F, Paoloni-Giacobino A, Hilfiker R, Terrier P, Vuistiner P, Léger B. E| pigenetic modifications in patients with musculoskeletal injury; a pilot study. | 9th Congress of the European Pain Federation (EFIC), Sep. 2015, Vienna, Austria. | Poster.
Mariéthoz Baeriswyl E, Lemos Carvalho A, Bellmann Thiran A, Mühl A, Vuadens, P. | Quand une lésion droite provoque … une surdité corticale. | 13e Journée romande de neuropsychologie, Nov. 2015, Neuchâtel. | Poster
Mirmohamadsadeghi L, Vesin JM, Lemay M, Dériaz O. | The respiration pattern as an indicator of the anaerobic threshold. | 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, Aug. 2015, Milano, Italy.
Moix Wicki V, Mariéthoz Baeriswyl E, Bellmann Thiran A, Mühl A, Vuadens, P. | Hétérotopoagnosie sans autotopoagnosie: une étude de cas. | 13e Journée romande de neuropsychologie, Nov. 2015, Neuchâtel. | Poster
Plomb C, Hilfiker R, Vuistiner P, Burrus C, Luthi F. | Updating the Wallis Occupational Rehabilitation RisK (WORRK) model: Predictive values at 3 months and one year. | SOFMER, Oct. 2015, Montpellier, France. | Oral communication.
Roh G, Fournier ML. | Rôle soignant autonome face au patient en phase d’amnésie post-traumatique. | 33e journées de l’AIRR, Sep. 2015, Poitiers, France.
Solca M, Ronchi R, Ruiz JB, Schmidlin T, Beaulieu JY, Luthi F, Schnider A, Guggisberg A, Blanke O. | Modulation of pain through cardio-visual stimulation in CRPS patients. | 1st Congress of the European-Academy-of-Neurology, Jun. 2015, Berlin, Germany.
Terrier P. | Gait laboratory at home: ambulatory monitoring of walking ability. | 9th world congress of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, National session Switzerland, Jun. 2015, Berlin, Germany. | Oral communication.
Terrier P, Bruijn S, Wu C, Stergiou N, Ihlen E. | Advanced measures of gait; why, and how, should we (not?) calculate them? | World congress of the International Society for Posture & Gait Research, Research symposium, Jun. 2015, Sevilla, Spain. | Oral communication, invited speaker.
Terrier P. | L’analyse du mouvement se rend à domicile: évaluation de la qualité de la marche en condition de vie réelle chez des patients souffrant de douleurs chroniques. | 3e journée valaisanne de recherche translationelle en réadaptation, Apr. 2015, Sion. | Oral communication.
Vuistiner P, Loiret I, Martinet N, Paysant J, Arlettaz Y, Assal M, Borens O, Luthi F, Huchon L, Vouilloz A. | Adaptation transculturelle et validation en français du questionnaire ABIS® et de sa version courte ABIS-R® chez des patients amputés du membre inférieur. | SOFMER, Oct. 2015, Montpellier, France.
2014 - Publications
Bouri M, Abdi E, Bleuler H, Reynard F, Deriaz O : Lower Limbs Robotic Rehabilitation Case Study with Clinical Trials. New Trends in Medical and Service Robots 2014 (pp. 31-44). Springer International Publishing.
Faiss R, von Orelli C, Dériaz O, Millet GP : Responses to Exercise in Normobaric Hypoxia : Comparison Between Elite and Recreational Ski-Mountaineers. Int J Sports Physiol Perform 2014 9(6) : 978-984.
Fournier PE. Commotions cérébrales et sport : trop souvent méconnues. Rev Med Suisse 2014 10 : 1457-60.
Genolet R. Impact de l’équilibre sur le contrôle moteur du membre supérieur. Main libre 2014 8 : 301-307.
Le Carré J, Lamon S, Léger B. Validation of a multiplex reverse transcription and pre-amplification method using TaqMan® MicroRNA assays. Frontiers in Genetics 2014 5:413.
Luthi F, Dériaz O, Vuistiner P, Burrus C, Hilfiker R. Predicting Non Return to Work after Orthopaedic Trauma: the Wallis Occupational Rehabilitation RisK (WORRK) model. PloS One 2014 9(4) : e94268.
Luthi F, Konzelmann M. Le syndrome douloureux régional complexe (algodystrophie) sous toutes ses formes. Rev Med Suisse 2014 10(415) : 271-2.
Praz C, Léger B, Kayser B. Energy expenditure of extreme competitive mountaineering skiing. Eur J Appl Physiol 2014 114(10) : 2201-11.
Reynard F, Terrier P. Local dynamic stability of treadmill walking: Intrasession and week-to-week repeatability. Journal of biomechanics 2014 47(1) : 74-80.
Reynard F, Vuadens P, Dériaz O, Terrier P. Could Local Dynamic Stability Serve as an Early Predictor of Falls in Patients with Moderate Neurological Gait Disorders? A Reliability and Comparison Study in Healthy Individuals and in Patients with Paresis of the Lower Extremities. PLoS One 2014 9(6) : e100550.
Rivier G. Comment prévenir l’invalidité dans le mal de dos ? Rev Med Suisse 2014 10(415) : 250.
Terrier P, Reynard F : To What Extent Does Not Wearing Shoes Affect the Local Dynamic Stability of Walking? Effect Size and Intrasession Repeatability. Journal of applied biomechanics 2014 30 (2): 305-309.
Vuadens P, Mühl A, Kuntzer T. Maintien des capacités des myopathes ou l’art de prescrire l’exercice physique. Rev Med Suisse 2014 10: 958-961.
2014 - Presentations
Burrus C, Luthi F, Zdrojewski C, So A, Stiefel F. Propriétés de l’auto-questionnaire INTERMED (IMSA) dans l’évaluation de la complexité biopsychosociale dans une population de patients avec troubles musculo-squelettiques. SOFMER/ESPRM 2014, Marseille, France. Oral presentation.
Croisiaux C, Destaillats JM, Mazaux JM, Prouteau A, Truelle JL, EBIS Group for neurosystemic research (Vuadens P). Long-term management for acquired brain injury people and their relatives –a neurosystemic approach— Journée de réflexion : Regards croisés sur le handicap invisible : la parole aux personnes cérébrolésées, à leurs proches et aux professionnels. European Brain Injury Socieyty/La Braise, 2014, Dec, Bruxelles, Belgique, Poster presentation.
Dériaz O. Umgang mit Grenzsituationen. Forum national de discussion sur les troubles de la santé associés au travail, 2014, 26 Nov. Oral presentation
Favre C. Chronic pain : Accept or fight it. Highlights from 3rd generation CBT. SSED Annual Congress 2014, 6-7 Nov, Interlaken, Switzerland.
Favre C. Entre lutter et accepter : Quelle TCC pour la douleur chronique ? 42ème Congrès Annuel de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive – AFTCC 2014, 12-13 Dec, Paris, France.
Gartmann M, Dériaz O, Konzelmann M, Luthi F. La complexité biopsychosociale : un facteur de risque lors d’un syndrome douloureux régional complexe (sdrc) ? SOFMER/ESPRM 2014, Marseille, France. Oral presentation.
Hilfiker R. Dis-moi à quelle vitesse tu marches… et je te dirai ton avenir ! 2e journée valaisanne de recherché translationelle en réadaptation, Sion, April 2014. Oral presentation.
Loeffel T, Vuistiner P, Terrier P, Favre C, Hilfiker R, Léger B, Le Carré J, Dériaz O, Luthi F. Stratégies comportementales et douleur chronique après un traumatisme de l’appareil locomoteur. Congrès annuel de la société suisse pour l’étude de la douleur SSED 2014, 6-8 Nov., Interlaken, Swizerland. Poster presentation.
Luthi F. Mouvement, fais-moi peur ! 2e journée valaisanne de recherché translationelle en réadaptation, Sion, April 2014. Oral presentation.
Luthi F, Vuistiner P, Léger B, Favre C, Dériaz O. Modèle « Fear-Avoidance » (FA) et retour au travail après réadaptation professionnelle pour traumatisme de l’appareil locomoteur. SOFMER/ESPRM 2014, Marseille, France. Oral presentation.
Mittaz Hager AG, Terrier P. « Bien assis ? L‘équilibre chez les paraplégiques en chaise roulante : comment l‘évaluer et l‘entraîner. » 2e journée valaisanne de recherché translationelle en réadaptation, Sion, April 2014. Oral presentation.
Praz C. Dépense énergétique du skieur-alpiniste de la Patrouille des Glaciers. 2e journée valaisanne de recherché translationelle en réadaptation, Sion, April 2014. Oral presentation.
Terrier P. Sensorimotor integration in human locomotion : step adjustments to auditory or visual cues similarly alter serial correlation among consecutive gait cycles. EuroMOV, Université Montpellier 1, France, Sept 2014, internal seminar, invited speaker. Oral presentation.
Terrier P, Mittaz Hager AG. A novel approach to assess the postural control of unsupported sitting in patients with spinal cord injury: a feasibility study. Clinical Movement Analysis World Conference 2014, October 2014, Roma, Italy. Poster presentation.
Vuistiner P, Luthi F, Ballabeni P, Scholz S, Seichert N, Erhart P, Dériaz O. Douleur et perceptions subjectives comme prédicteurs du temps d’inaptitude au travail sur une période de quatre ans suivant le séjour de réhabilitation pour trauma orthopédique. SOFMER/ESPRM 2014, Marseille, France. Oral presentation.
Vuistiner P. La durée d’inaptitude au travail est liée aux perceptions subjectives. 2e journée valaisanne de recherche translationelle en réadaptation, Sion, April 2014. Oral presentation.
2013 - Publications
Faiss R, Leger B, Vesin JM, Fournier PE, Eggel Y, Deriaz O, Millet GP : Significant molecular and systemic adaptations after repeated sprint training in hypoxia. PLoS One 2013 8(2):e56522.
Favre C, Bizzini L : La supervision, une co-construction. Psychoscope 2013 7, 16-19.
Fournier PE : Sports at the 3rd and 4th ages: What do we currently know?[Sport aux 3e et 4e âges: qu'en savons-nous actuellement?] Rev Med Suisse 2013 9(371):237.
Grübler G, Al-Khodairy A, Leeb R, Pisotta I, Riccio A, Rohm M, Hildt E : Psychosocial and Ethical Aspects in Non-Invasive EEG-Based BCI Research-A Survey Among BCI Users and BCI Professionals. Neuroethics 2013:1-13.
Hilfiker R, Vaney C, Gattlen B, Meichtry A, Deriaz O, Lugon-Moulin V, Anchisi-Bellwald AM, Palaci C, Foinant D, Terrier P : Local dynamic stability as a responsive index for the evaluation of rehabilitation effect on fall risk in patients with multiple sclerosis: a longitudinal study. BMC research notes 2013 6:260.
Konzelmann M, Deriaz O, Luthi F : Diagnosis of partial complex regional pain syndrome type 1 of the hand: retrospective study of 16 cases and literature review. BMC neurology 2013 13:28.
Leeb R, Perdikis S, Tonin L, Biasiucci A, Tavella M, Creatura M, Molina A, Al-Khodairy A, Carlson T, Millan JD : Transferring brain-computer interfaces beyond the laboratory: successful application control for motor-disabled users. Artificial intelligence in medicine 2013 59(2):121-132.
Opsommer E, Hilfiker R, Raval-Roland B, Crombez G, Rivier G : Test-retest reliability of the Orebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire and the Situational Pain Scale in patients with chronic low back pain. Swiss medical weekly 2013 143:w13903.
Rochat L, Beni C, Annoni JM, Vuadens P, Van der Linden M : How inhibition relates to impulsivity after moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society: JINS 2013, 19(8):890-898.
Terrier P, Deriaz O : Non-linear dynamics of human locomotion: effects of rhythmic auditory cueing on local dynamic stability. Frontiers in physiology2013, 4:230.
Terrier P, Luthi F, Deriaz O : Do orthopaedic shoes improve local dynamic stability of gait? An observational study in patients with chronic foot and ankle injuries. BMC musculoskeletal disorders 2013, 14:94.
2013 - Presentations
Aubert C, Frommann N, Berrut C, Byland E, Nicolò D, Bellmann A, Castillo V, Vuadens P, Ptak R. Utilisation d’un nouveau matériel de rééducation lors d’un déficit de reconnaissance des expressions faciales émotionnelles chez un patient traumatisé crânien (TCC). Journée Romande de Neuropsychologie, Lausanne, le 14 novembre 2013
Byland E, Moix Wicki V, Bétrisey M, Wicky G, Bellmann Thiran A, Castillo Cruz V, Al-Khodairy A. Syndrome de déconnexion interhémisphérique: des signes «classiques» aux inédits… Journée Romande de Neuropsychologie, Lausanne, le 14 novembre 2013
Favre C. Agir sur la douleur ou agir sur la peur? 1ère journée valaisanne de recherché translationelle en réadaptation, CRR, 21 février 2013. Présentation orale.
Favre C. Prise en charge psychologique- image du corps, regard des autres.Journée Brûlure. Réseau romand de Médecine physique et réadaptation. CRR, Sion, 21 mars.
Favre C. Quand les croyances influencent la douleur. Congrès ARAM, Montreux, 7-8 septembre.
Favre C, Ballabeni P, Luthi F, Dériaz O. Identification of a group of patients in rehabilitation sensitive to change according to their beliefs related to pain. Poster, EFIC, Florence, 9-12 octobre.
Hilfiker R, Terrier P. Tombera, tombera pas? Risque de chute et sclérose en plaque. 1ère journée valaisanne de recherché translationelle en réadaptation, CRR, 21 février 2013. Présentation orale.
Iakova M, Assal M, Crevoisier X, Luthi F Elle fait mal cette broche ! (à propos d'une étiologie rare chez un patient hémophile opéré). Congrès SOFMER, Reims, 17-19 octobre 2013
Iakova M. Les antimicrobiens pour des plaies qui ne cicatrisent pas: évidence, suggestions et controverses (EWMA document). Congrès national des stomathérapeutes, Nottwil, 11.2013.
Iakova M. Réadaptations des patients brûlés. Journée Brûlure. Réseau romand de Médecine physique et réadaptation. CRR, Sion, 21 mars.
Kadri F, Burrus C, Luthi F, Konzelmann M.Ossifications hétérotopiques(OH) de l’épaule en rééducation en dehors d’un contexte neurologique. Pensez-y devant une épaule douloureuse et raide ! Congrès SOFMER, Reims, 17-19 octobre 2013.
Léger B. A l‘aube des nouveaux marqueurs biologiques ? 1ère journée valaisanne de recherché translationelle en réadaptation, CRR, 21 février 2013. Présentation orale.
Lucas N, Byland E, Mühl A, Bellmann A. Amélioration de la détection de cibles suite à deux séances de stimulation transcranienne magnétique répétée (rTMS) chez un patient héminégligent. Journée Romande de Neuropsychologie, Lausanne, le 14 novembre 2013
Luthi F. Est-il possible de prédire en consultation le retour au travail après un accident ? 1ère journée valaisanne de recherché translationelle en réadaptation, CRR, 21 février 2013. Présentation orale.
Saubade M, Konzelmann M, Fournier PE. Intérêt du renforcement excentrique dans les tendinopathies achilléennes. Revue de la littérature. Congrès SOFMER, Reims, 17-19 octobre 2013. Présentation orale.
Terrier P. Visual cueing during treadmill walking as a new tool for gait training in neurorehabilitation: a feasibility study in healthy individuals. XX World Congress on Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders, Geneva, December 2013. E-Poster presentation.
Terrier P, Dériaz O, Reynard F. Role of vision in gait stabilization: local dynamic stability in treadmill walking while blindfolded. XXIst World Congress of Neurology, Vienna, Austria, September 2013. Poster presentation.
Wicky G, Provitolo F, Mühl A, Castillo V, Constantin M, Duc M, Devanthéry F,Jungo S, Donghia B, Bellmann A, P. Vuadens P. Elaboration et normalisation d’un test écologique d’organisation complexe et de résolution de problèmes en milieu professionnel : Test des Errances Multiples en milieu Professionnel, TEM-PRO. Congrès SOFMER, Reims, 17-19 octobre 2013. Poster.