Swiss Olympic Medical Center

The sports trauma medicine unit has been operational since the Clinique romande de réadaptation (CRR) was opened in 1999, under the management of its previous Medical Managing Director Prof. Charles Gobelet, a true pioneer in the field of sports trauma medicine in Switzerland.

The « Swiss Olympic Medical Centers » are centres specialised in taking care of all elite sportsmen/women from juniors to regional and national levels (sport trauma, medical and sports checkups, laboratory testing, performance diagnostics and training advice).

Being awarded this label means being recognised for the development being made in this medical field within our establishsment, mainly in the domains of  sports trauma, of physiotherapy and of performance diagnostics.


The CRR offers the following services

Performance diagnostic

Performance diagnostics is the first step in planning an appropriate sports training programme whether it be in the domain of high level performance sports or simply for a healthy physical activity. Last cry technical equipment permits a complete and precise diagnostic in different domains such as endurance, strength or speed.

Sport to stay healthy

Regular exercise leads to both good physical and psychological health. This is why the staff from the Swiss Olympic Medical Center at the Clinique romande de réadaptation accompanies and guides you in your sporting activities.
Further information

Online training

You cannot do your favourite sport as you usually do? Our staff of experts proposes an innovative and practical way to train in an optimal manner at distance.
Further information

Sports medicine consultation

Our experience in sports medicine allows us to find an appropriate solution to each situation. Our main objectives target both prevention and the treatment of injuries to the musculoskeletal system as well as the establishment of rehabilitation programmes in order to help a return to sporting activities.

Sport psychology consultation

In addition to an appropriate physical preparation, the mental and psychological aspects are becoming more and more important in the life of athletes.In fact, during competitions, their performances are often influenced by these mental aspects. Topics like stress and emotions management, post-injury or poor performance confidence building, as well as mental coaching in preparation of important competitions can also be tackled.
See brochure (french)

Consultation en nutrition du sport

L’optimisation de votre alimentation et hydratation est votre alliée pour vos performances sportives. En effet, lorsqu’elle est bien choisie, elle offre de nombreux avantages aux sportifs comme l’amélioration de la récupération à la suite des entraînements et des compétitions, le maintien d’un poids corporel et d’un pourcentage de masse grasse adapté à la discipline ainsi qu’une réduction du risque de blessures et de maladies. Avec un suivi individuel et personnalisé, vous atteindrez vos objectifs en gardant du plaisir avec votre alimentation.

A team of experts at your service

Dr Pierre-Etienne Fournier

Head of department

Specialist in physical and rehabilitation medicine, FMH

Sports trauma medicine SSMS

Dr Michel Fédou

Specialist in physical and rehabilitation medicine, FMH

Dr Chantal Plomb

Specialist in physical and rehabilitation medicine, FMH 

Sports trauma medicine SSMS


Dr Gil Pires Rodrigues

Specialist in physical and rehabilitation medicine

Sports trauma medicine SSMS 

Ultrasonography SSUM, FMH

Dr Jérôme Tirefort

Specialist in physical and rehabilitation medicine, FMH



Tel. +41 27 603 21 87   || 

Trade partners

The Swiss Olympic Medical Center has concluded various partnerships in the Professional and sporting fields. This sign of faith from our partner institutions delights us and motivates us to provide high quality services.


  Entreprises et associations professionnelles

Corps des gardes-frontière suisses

Police cantonale valaisanne

Forêt Valais

Service de la formation professionnelle du canton du Valais


  Clubs et associations sportives

Helios Basket




Swiss Basket (pour les arbitres)


  Partenaire équipement sportif





 La Course Sierre-Zinal 

  Partenaire sport-santé

Aussi appelée la Course des cinq 4000, elle a souvent été considérée comme l’une des plus belles courses de montagne du monde. On a écrit qu’elle était à la course de montagne ce que le marathon de New York est au marathon. Elle est aussi la doyenne des grandes épreuves de montagne.

Les conseils de la CRR   Site de la course

 Le marathon du Valais

Partenaire sport-santé

Le marathon comme tu ne l’as jamais vu au coeur du Valais! Le nouveau rendez-vous incontournable des sportifs et des épicuriens !

Les conseils de la CRR   Site de la course



Pack Endurance 1


Pack Endurance 2

  • Effort test* effort VO2 with lactatemia +training advice
  • Body composition measurements Bod Pod 


  • Test* levels of lactatemia + training advice
  • Body composition measurements Bod Pod

299.- CHF 


249.- CHF 

Pack Health assessment


Pack Team Sports 

  • Consultation with a sports physician
  • ECG at rest
  • Blood tests
  • Body composition measurements Bod Pod
  • Test levels of lactatemia + training advice


  • Measurements strength-vertical leap with power platform
  • Speed measurements with Witty system
  • Endurance test  VMA (30-15 IFT)  


595.- CHF 


350.- CHF 

Pack Nutrition du sport


  • Evaluation nutritionnelle 
  • Mesure de la composition corporelle Bod Pod 



159.- CHF 



Laboratory Tests  (endurance and body composition)

Endurance test* VO2 with lactatemia + training advice

270.- CHF

 Levels of lactatemia test* + training advice

215.- CHF

Body composition measurements Bod Pod

55.- CHF

Anthropometry (BodPod) + simple blood tests (Hct + Hb)

65.- CHF

ECG at rest

55.- CHF

Tests on the terrain (endurance)

Test* of effort VMA (30-15 IFT)

160.- CHF

Effort test*  VO2 with lactatemia

270.- CHF

Test* levels of lactatemia

215.- CHF

Tests for strength-speed-power (in laboratory and on the terrain)

Measurements of strength-vertical leap with power platform

160.- CHF

Measurements of ratio strength-speed-power Myotest

110.- CHF

Measurements of speed with the Optojump sxstem

110.- CHF

Services and training advice

Monthly training plan (endurance sports and general physical preparation)

+ access to a platform on-line

130.- CHF

/ month 

(more than 4 months) 

Monthly training plan (endurance sports and general physical preparation)

+ access to a platform on-line

150.- CHF

/ month 

(from 1 to 3 months) 

Training session 60’

110.- CHF

60’ session in a hypoxic chamber

(for participants having done the endurance pack + ECG) 

110.- CHF

Consultation in sport's psychology 60’

120.- CHF

In-house intervention for companies / clubs

on request

Evaluation nutritionnelle 60’

120.- CHF

Consultation de suivi 45’

100.- CHF

Plan nutritionnel pour compétition

75.- CHF

Intervention en groupe / Club

sur demande

Note : All prices are inclusive of VAT

* For people over 35 years, the effort test is carried out following an ECG at rest (complementary cost of 50.-) or on presentation of a certificate proving no counter indication for sporting activities.

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