PD Dr François LuthiHead of department
Specialist in physical and rehabilitation medicine, FMH
Specialist in orthopedic surgery, FMH |
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Dr Cyrille BurrusAssistant physician
Physical and rehabilitation medicine, FMH
Specialist in Manual Medicine SAMM |
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Dr Aurélie VouillozAssociated physician
General internal medicine, FMH
Acupuncture-MTC ASA |
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Dr Soisic LecrocAssociated physician
Specialist in physical and rehabilitation medicine, FMH |
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Dr Gil Pires RodriguesAssistant physician
Specialist in physical and rehabilitation medicine
Specialist in sport medecine SSMS
Ultrasonography SSUM, member FMH |
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Dr Chantal PlombAssociated physician
Specialist in physical and rehabilitation medicine, FMH
Specialist in sport medecine SSMS |
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Dr Jérôme Tirefort Head of clinic
Specialist in physical and rehabilitation medicine, FMH |
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Dr Giulio Bertero Head of clinic
Medical Practitioner |
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Dr. Mihailo Obrenovic Head of clinic Assistant
Medical Practitioner |
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