On the 20th and 21st of October, come and discover the Clinique romande de réadaptation (CRR) and its antenna of the EPFL from the inside.
The CRR is pleased to participate in the project Entreprises Portes Ouvertes Sion (Open days in various companies throughout Sion), organised for the second year in a row by the 'Jeune Chambre Internationale de Sion'. The j'eune chambre internationale' is an association bringing together men and women who wish to get involved within the local community via another bias than a political one.
The objectives of this project are the following :
- Allow the general public to discover how the local economy functions
- Offer a cetain visibility to companies throughout Sion
- Create an atmosphere of closeness and friendlyness
- Put faces on economic actors
- Encourage vocation among the younger generation
- Contribute to informing the general public regarding local authorities and companies of public interest.
For the CRR, the guided tours are made in groups (minimum 8, maximum 15 people) and on inscription. The guests can check out the CRR's infrastructures as well as the acivities carried out by EPFL in its antenna located within the Clinic.
Opening times
Friday 20.10.2017 FULL
1 visit from 13h30 to 15h00
Saturday 21.10.2017
1 visit from 10h30 to 12h00
Inscriptions on : http://www.epo-sion.ch/les-visites