Brain week in Sion

Online since 26.02.2019
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The brain week (SdC) is an event open to the general public which takes place every year in several towns throughout Switzerland (and al over the world). By the bias of public forums and conferences, art exhibitions, workshops or open days it's objective is to informa and raise awareness within the population regarding the topic of the brain, its functions, its disfunctions and especially the latest research being carried out.

With regards to this special week,  the Hôpital du Valais is organising four evenings of public forums from the 11th to the 14th of March  2019. The themes to be treated are 'multiple sclerosis', 'the brain and drugs', 'how to look after your brain' and 'the brain explained to children'.


The Clinique Romande de Réadaptation (CRR) is taking part actively and proposes a full evening. on Wednesday the 13th of March 2019, on the theme :


« One brain for life, I must look after it ! » 

Moderator : Dr Jean-Luc Turlan, head of the neurological rehabilitation department of the CRR

I know and control the risk factor

Dr A. Mühl, neurologist, CRR

I choose a healthy lifestyle which nourishes and protects my brain

Dr S. Reymond, neurologist, Sion, guest speaker

I cultivate my attention in full awareness

G. Wicky, neuropsychologist, CRR

I know how to be active avoiding brain trauma

Dr E. Aleton, Physical medicine and rehabilitation CRR


Complete programme here


  The conferences take place at 18h30 in the ’Aula François-Xavier Bagnoud, Route du Rawyl 47, 1950 Sion

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