The Importance of Strength

Online since 10.02.2020
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A specialist in sports medicine from the CRR gives some useful advice on strength training.

Strength is essential for general health as well as injury prevention in all sporting activities and at all levels. Le Nouvelliste devoted its Health Page on the 6th of February to this theme. 

Training at any age 

Discover the advice given by Michaël Duc, training specialist at the Clinique romande de réadaptation. Participting in sporting activities is importnt at any age. The risk of becoming sedentary over the years should be taken seriously, as it can lead to a decrease in muscle mass and thus increase the risk of injury. What's the solution ? Regular sporting activity adapted to each and every one's capacities. 

Swiss Olympic Medical Center Label

Labelled sincethe sports medicine department of the  CRR proposes its services to all sportsmen/women whether they be amateur or professionel : 
  • endurance tests, 
  • training program and follow-up, 
  • advice, 
  • specialised medical consultations
  • etc. 
Check out the various services available here 

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