Research continues to take more and more place in the world of medicine. Rehabilitation hasn't escaped from this tendency and the Valais is lucky to be able to count on a pool of competences unique in the French speaking part of Switzerland with the latest cry in rehabilitation evolution.
Roger Hilfiker, physiotherapist HES-SO, François Luthi and Cyrille Burrus, physicians at the CRR, Christine Favre, psychologist at the CRR, Philippe Terrier and Bertrand Léger, biologists IRR, accompanied by Dr Rolf Frischknecht, former Director of the European board in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
Indeed, the rehabilitation research institute of the Clinique romande de réadaptation (CRR-IRR) was given the opportunity to present its studies in « The bio-psycho-social complexity and rehabilitation » at the rehabilitation world congress (Berlin from 19 to 23 June 2015).
This request was a real opportunity and mark of recognition regarding the work carried out by the researchers at the CRR-IRR institute. When the staff returned from the congress, they expressed the satisfaction that this experience had given and the networking that it had allowed.
What is « bio-psycho-social » complexity?
According to the 'Classification Internationale du Fonctionnement (CIF)' (International classification of functioning) , the rehabilitation process concentrates on what is commonly called the bio-psycho-social complexity (BPS). This term means that a combination of factors; biological, psychological, behavioural and social influence the patient's recovery. Within this model, these factors are interlinked and a change brought to one or more of these factors can have an impact on the whole system.
Therefore, we are no longer in a linear model (one cause, one effect), but well within an extremely complex interconnected one. This allows us to understand why an unremarkable injury (a twisted ankle, a common backache) can have such a negative impact or why 2 patients suffering from the same ailment can have such different recovery progress.
The CIF is, to this day, the most forward representation of this BPS complexity model. It allows us to represent the different factors and their interconnectivity. It is a diagnostic, therapeutic and educational tool all at the same time. However, in the rehabilitation field, it is often and especially during the care of chronic pathologies, that the biological factors give way to psychological, behavioural and social ones ; or that the objective data becomes less important than the subjective ones.
Research in the heart of a clinic
What is original in the work carried out by the research staff of the IRR-CRR is to try an approach integrated within these factors, without forgetting the biological factors or the objective data : by trying, for example, to highlight new biological markers or new ways of gaining objective data; by then studying possible links between this data and the other factors in the BPS model.
In addition to this, all this work is carried out in the heart of a clinic, therefore, in close proximity with patients and therapists, which of course brings added value to the work carried out. It also allows transmitting day-to-day findings from research to practical cases in the clinic. The presentation of these studies at this congress was also a satisfying result after 10 years of work for the research staff of the IRR-CRR.
There talking about it in the medias
Before the CRR-IRR delegation's departure for Berlin, several medias talked about it. To find further information about this subject, you can read the following articles and listen to an interview with Dr François Luthi in the programme CQFD of RTS la 1ère.